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Video using gel medium as a resist with a stencil and clearsnap inks

Putting some shimmer with some flat matte color today for the Clearsnap and StencilGirl blog hop as I create and color a stencil resist!     Be on the lookout for one of my weird personal quirks as you watch the video.  I didn’t even realize it until I went back to do the voiceover. [...]

The Tale of a Halloween Oops Card

Turning this  Gelli print in to a card was supposed to be a quick and easy.  Then there was an Oops thanks to my handwriting.  Then another. That probably doesn’t surprise you one bit.  I make all sorts of mistakes, I mean Oopsies, as I play.  It didn’t go as planned but every Oops was [...]

Video showing how I’m using up old scrapbooking stickers in my mixed-media play on the Gelli Plate

This isn’t my brightest logic.  I’ve got a huge box of Mrs. Grossman stickers that I love from my avid scrapbooking days.  Love them so much I don’t use them.  That is all changing thanks to this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party!   I am facing that not so logical logic and getting those stickers to use on [...]

Warning- There is no color in this post! thumbnail

Where’s the rainbow?  Where’s the lime green or hot pink?  Not in this post! It is all neutrals as I use some UTEE and molds from Kari McKnight Holbrook to make some easy charms. Disclaimer: I am not a jewelry master, so feel free to laugh at my clumsy wire wrapping for making the loops in [...]

I wanted a tall tree with full branches of wonderful leaves in my art journal.  But I didn’t have that- or did I?  I made some surgical “adjustments” to the Branching Blossoms stencil to get the look I was after.  I used scissors and the very fancy tool called an index card. Why did I [...]

It Was a Conspiracy and My Muse Was Out to Get Me thumbnail

It was a conspiracy.  I’m not making this up.  I am not crazy.  It was a total conspiracy from my muse to get me playing.  She wanted me away from the computer screen with a jumbo to-do list and into the paints! When I saw the challenge over at Art Journal Journey, I just couldn’t stop [...]

Stickers and Shimmer on a Gelli Plate! thumbnail

  Did you know you can put stickers on a Gelli Plate?  For this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party it’s all about stickers, shimmering paints, and circles!     I don’t waste a drop of paint- especially this incredible paint (can you tell I am in love?).  In the video, you’ll see how I add [...]

Play Dates: Use Each Spray Ink for What it Does Best thumbnail

You’ve seen my favorite spray inks, you’ve seen how I experiment and play to learn about spray inks, and today I’m going to share with you how I quickly build a background in an art journal. http://youtu.be/ez9WjjsiXbg Watch Using Each Spray Ink for What it Does Best on YouTube.   Join the conversation and let [...]

Play Dates:  How I Decide Which Spray Inks I Love thumbnail

Am I an organized, methodical type of person who analyzes or am I the kind that jumps right in and has to play to figure it out?  You might already know the answer if you’ve seen many of my videos. Play Dates are all about the conversation for me and I’d love to know how [...]

Play Dates: Burying Spray Inks that Bleed thumbnail

Some spray inks bleed and that can be a very useful thing.  I’m burying the Dylusions spray inks and creating a softer, aged feeling as it bleeds through the gesso. In today’s Play Date video, I’m taking a spray ink that I adore because of its vibrance and showing how it can be wonderful muted down [...]