Why do I love crayon rubbings? Is it the historical significance that brass rubbings played in medieval times? Is it the memory of first grade making leaf rubbings? A little bit of those but the biggest reason is crayon rubbings are immediate gratification. No waiting for anything to dry. The only prep work is taking the [...]
Apparently, there was a sale on metallic Christmas bows at some point in my life. I rarely use them, and had a huge box of them so I decided to make them a bit more mixed media to use them year round for any kind of gift giving. One of the bows in the photo above [...]
Impressables by Gel Press are a new kind of gel plate! All the fun of gel printing with a twist – they have an embossed pattern on them! These have just been released at CHA and will be shipping in the near future. Like all gel plates, there is more than one way to use them. [...]
I never know what I will see when I look at a Spark of Art-spiration. Didn’t expect to have a rainbow caterpillar stop by but when something this silly pops in, I just have to see where it takes me! What is a Spark of Art-spiration? It’s a free download that comes in my newsletters as [...]
Making a mess is all about discovering what can happen. Sometimes, it’s more mess. Sometimes, it’s something I love. The fun is I never know which it will be when I start playing. This wood panel began with layers of texture. No goal, no plan, no direction – just a mess of textures. Those mica flakes [...]
Jane Davenport’s new media line called to me like a siren to a sailor as I walked by the display at Michaels. Washi tape, Mermaid Markers, how could I resist? I picked up a few of them and took them for a ride in my art journal to see if they were as wonderful [...]
O.O.P.S.! I put way too much paint on my palette for my last project. Not a mistake. Not a fail. It won’t be wasted because it is just an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly for more play with stencils! I even turned this one into a free Spark of Art-spiration…so you can play too! You can [...]
Time for a little home renovation, mixed media style. I bought 5 gallons of house paint in the colors of the rainbow, grabbed a Gel Press monoprinting plate and started printing right on the walls. Yes, I did it directly on the wall. Slapping it right against the wall makes the most wonderful thwap sound! [...]
When does the muse show up and inspire me? After I have started. It’s as if starting is her invitation to join me so that means I need to start. No matter what it is, the important thing is to just start. I grabbed plain old cardboard from a shipping box as a place to start [...]
O.O.P.S.ville is a wonderful town, after all there are no mistakes just Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly. This art journal page started with the leftover scraps I just couldn’t bear to throw away from cardmaking with gel prints. Living up to the name of this town, plenty of OOPSies were a part of this process and of [...]