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My Very Sneaky Muse Pulled Fast One on Me thumbnail

My muse pulled a fast one on me.  She’s sneaky that way.  This started as just play, using up leftover paints in my art journal and then bam! This couple in the photo had something to tell me and my reaction took me by surprise. https://youtu.be/3jER40q-VWA Watch Art Journal Play with a Vintage Photo on YouTube. Using [...]

Crazy Collage Critters with Gel Prints thumbnail

What can you do with a stack of gel press prints? Make crazy collage critters!   All you need to create these are some Gel Press prints, scissors and glue.  Roald Dahl, one of my favorite authors whose imagination knew no bounds, inspired this play. Why do I choose gel prints for collaging? Because all the little [...]

A Silly Collage to Shake off Stress thumbnail

There was a stress intervention from the Muse at the request of my family. Grown up responsibilities had been getting the better of me.  As I played and added more layers to this collage, a ridiculous plot involving Alfred Hitchcock appeared.  The sillier the plot, the less stress I felt. https://youtu.be/7SulNBaTe8w Watch Shaking off stress with [...]

Rescued from Overthinking By My Art Journal thumbnail

The play almost didn’t happen today. That logical left brain of mine was having a control freak kind of a day and things were being taken way too seriously. What rescued me? What got me playing?  My Permission to Play art journal! https://youtu.be/J-mHpov572Y Watch Rescued from Overthinking By My Art Journal on YouTube. Want to make [...]

3 Second Rule to the Rescue! thumbnail

From the very start of this play, making decisions was a tough challenge. So tough I had to use the 3 second rule.  What is the 3 second rule?  It is when I give myself 3 seconds to make a decision and move on. In the video, you’ll see that I was stuck more than once and [...]

Gel Printing a Song Out of My Head thumbnail

What inspired my play today? The song stuck in my head.  All day I had been humming it and it wouldn’t go, so I decided to try to art it out!  The Square in Square Impressable plate helped me get that song out of my head at long last! What song was it?  It wasn’t a Grammy winning [...]

Art Journaling the Rainbow Room thumbnail

Stencils and a gel plate are like peanut butter and jelly. They were meant to go together and they bring out the best in each other! https://youtu.be/JmHIRpNb5AY Watch The Rainbow Room & How to Use Stencils on a Gel Plate on YouTube. More ways to use stencils and a gel plate are included in my workshop, [...]

Dave, the Husband, is Making a Gel Print! thumbnail

My husband was so excited about gel printing after editing the welcome/getting started pages of my workshop, Gel Printing FUNdamentals that he WANTED to make a print.  And he let me film it! You’ll see him go from being very hesitant to far more confident, in just one print! If he can do it, you can [...]

Caution, OOPS in Progress thumbnail

Why did I not use my usual bright rainbow colors that I had on my palette? It was because of an O.O.P.S., an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly, that happened as I created a full page of pattern in my art journal with just one small stencil. https://youtu.be/66jUIaAlLRA Watch How I use a small stencil to fill an [...]

Wet Paint, a Stencil, and a Baby Wipe thumbnail

I had a plan and didn’t follow it from the very first moment.  I had intended to just cover up part of a ho-hum layer, but in a flash, the whole thing was covered in gesso.  In fact, it seemed that every time I had a plan, I didn’t follow it! https://youtu.be/TLYmCs_IYko Watch Wet paint + [...]