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Gelli Plate

What a Colorful and Imperfect World This Is! thumbnail

My stenciling wasn’t perfect.  My colored pencil work wasn’t perfect.  Nothing on this is perfect and I love it that way!   This Gelli print, made using a technique from my One Pull Wonders workshop, started it all.  The swirls of color started to look like continents and it fit so perfectly with Mary Nasser’s stencil…before [...]

Using a Stencil to Create Journal Prompts thumbnail

I use art to process emotions and feelings but sometimes I get stuck.  That’s when having a prompt helps me get moving again.  Gelli prints and my new Verbage stencil to the rescue! This stencil, packed with words of action  to celebrate the emotions and excitement of life, is a great way to create prompt cards. [...]

The Tale of a Halloween Oops Card

Turning this  Gelli print in to a card was supposed to be a quick and easy.  Then there was an Oops thanks to my handwriting.  Then another. That probably doesn’t surprise you one bit.  I make all sorts of mistakes, I mean Oopsies, as I play.  It didn’t go as planned but every Oops was [...]

Video showing how I’m using up old scrapbooking stickers in my mixed-media play on the Gelli Plate

This isn’t my brightest logic.  I’ve got a huge box of Mrs. Grossman stickers that I love from my avid scrapbooking days.  Love them so much I don’t use them.  That is all changing thanks to this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party!   I am facing that not so logical logic and getting those stickers to use on [...]

Stamping on Gelli Prints with Some Strong Women thumbnail

What do I do with my Gelli Prints? I play with them.  How?  So many many ways.  Today, I’m stamping on them. Using Gelli prints with stamps gives it the painterly, loose look I like without having to plan.  If I tried to color the stamps intentionally, I’d over think it and all the looseness [...]

Picasso Meets the Gelli Plate thumbnail

Make Picasso style portraits in minutes on the Gelli Plate! For this months’ Colorful Gelli Print Party I am showing how easy it is to do.  Picasso was a master with lines, especially when creating faces.  But I am going to “cheat”.   I didn’t practice drawing.  I didn’t master the proportions of a face.  I went to [...]

  http://youtu.be/OtzYDdeNdeo Watch Using a Gelli Print on a Mini Canvas on YouTube. On those days when I am feeling self critical, it is easy for me to think about my failures. You know those big failures like when I forgot to make a reservation at the restaurant.  Or when I forgot my kid had an orthodontist appointment. [...]

Using My Hands on the Gelli Plate for This Month’s Party thumbnail

Hands right in the paint

  This month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party is all about giving high five’s and celebrating our successes…and getting paint all over our hands on the Gelli Plate!   http://youtu.be/vtenyEwhdFM Watch  Using Your Hands on the Gelli Plate on YouTube   Every day is filled with successes.  It is so much easier to see the shortcomings, the struggles, [...]

Go Be Magic with a Pink Unicorn in an Art Journal thumbnail

Would I like to play with Totem Poppets they asked.  The name alone sounded fun to me!  When the goodies arrived in my mailbox, I realized how customizable these animals are…which means freedom!  I can make them whatever I want.  Wish these were around when my kids were little, oh the possibilities.  Since my kids are [...]

The Easy Way to Get Movement into Your Pages with a Stencil thumbnail

  This is not a major feat of engineering in my art journal…it can’t be since there was no measuring involved!  But it sure is fun to flip those birds back and forth in an interactive art journal page!  They’re double sided and I am having a blast flipping the birds from side to side… [...]