What inspired my play today? The song stuck in my head. All day I had been humming it and it wouldn’t go, so I decided to try to art it out! The Square in Square Impressable plate helped me get that song out of my head at long last! What song was it? It wasn’t a Grammy winning [...]
Gelli Plate
Stencils and a gel plate are like peanut butter and jelly. They were meant to go together and they bring out the best in each other! https://youtu.be/JmHIRpNb5AY Watch The Rainbow Room & How to Use Stencils on a Gel Plate on YouTube. More ways to use stencils and a gel plate are included in my workshop, [...]
Where have I been and what have I been working on? A new workshop, Gel Printing FUNdamentals! I am giving away 3 spots in the new workshop! 3 winners and 3 ways to enter! It isn’t quite ready to go live, I’ve still a t to dot and i to cross here and there but I am just so [...]
What makes a great canvas for play? One that I don’t like anymore! There were marks all over this, there was texture, there was pattern, there was color. But together, they just didn’t rock my world. At one time, I had liked this canvas, but not any more. This was a perfect opportunity to play! [...]
It slices, it dices…well not really, but the Gel Press plate did just about everything for this art journal page! It masked, it stamped, it added the title and of course, made the background. https://youtu.be/f8BWolgkx_U Watch Stamping, stenciling and masking all on a gel plate on YouTube. Using a gel print from my stack of papers [...]
Making patterns for printing with hot glue and cardboard is a time honored way to play. But how do you get the hot glue uniformly smooth for the best printing? What’s the no fumble way to use them when printing? How can you stamp a good impression in an art journal using regular acrylic paint [...]
What are the dos and don’ts for gel printing? The most important is Do have fun and Don’t worry about doing it the “right” way because there is no right way…just the way you enjoy! Do use a gel plate with the squish factor, like the Gel Press plates. Don’t use a hard plate, they don’t [...]
The sun was in that wonderful late afternoon golden glow phase, the birds were singing, and I was playing outdoors. Springtime is my goldilocks time outdoors, not too hot & not many bugs. It’s just right for play. A basket of fun was put together quickly, of what was on my counter, with absolutely no clear [...]
Why do I get so excited about caps and lids that are about to be thrown away? It’s not because it means everyone has been taking their vitamins. Although that is a good thing. It is because caps are perfectly round and come in a variety of sizes to make an easy pattern tool for [...]
Imagine an artful weekend of gel printing loaded with techniques and projects all while being pampered…a private room,scrumptious homemade meals and freedom to work at your own pace! Cozing up by the fire laughing and playing, pouring a glass of wine and having a quiet conversation, or enjoy the walking trails and labyrinth. That is [...]