My muse loves it when I try to get brownie points by actually listening to her when she drops by…if I listen to her, I bet she is more likely to come and play again very soon! My starting point was this paper with the layers on this Gelli print calling to me. My muse [...]
Gelli Plate
I wish I could tell you I planned this background carefully, meticulously adding each layer. Nope. It was from a Gelli printing session. My addiction to that plate is becoming undeniable. It is a constant source of joy so I have no intention of giving it up! So much joy that it is the basis [...]
A question I am frequently asked is, “What can you do with all the Gelli print papers you make?” My answer is what can’t you do with a Gelli Print? Any way you use paper you can use a Gelli print. Here are just some of the great Gelli creations that have been linked up [...]
Who knew when I started playing I would end up in Outer Mongolia! I’ve been secretly working on a new free workshop, A Colorful Workshop: Use Your Words and the “stuff” from that is all over my counters. So are Gelli Plate papers from the February Gelli party. Okay, confession time, there is stuff all [...]
It’s love, Gelli Plate style! The cute little heart shaped candy boxes from last year were given a new life with paint and the Gelli for this month’s A Colorful Gelli Print Party. The February link party will be open all month for you you share what you’ve Gelli’d and to enjoy some inspiration from [...]
I missed the Gelli print party so much I decided to do it each month in 2013! On the 1st of each month I’ll have a new Gelli something and the link party will let us all share our prints. The next Gelli party is coming up on this Friday, February 1st! I am so [...]
A Gelli Plate is just like having your own private paper store. Using old scrapbook papers and dictionary pages with the Gelli Plate I unintentionally created a coordinating set of papers! These papers sparked my art journal page for Artsy Fartsy. Why did I have my Gelli Plate out? Because it is time for another [...]
I loved seeing what everyone created on their Gelli Plate and missed it once the party was over. So I decided that the party should go on! On the 1st of each month I will have a post dedicated to the Gelli Plate and a link party that will be open all month. The next [...]
Nathalie Kalbach is the guest artist for the last Fall Fearless and Fly! Her work is inspiring! I have had an absolute blast co-hosting this with Jessica Sporn! Thank you to every person who has participated from guest artists to artists who linked up to the people who stopped by to taken in all [...]
Oops has become my favorite word! As I create I make all sorts of mistakes but I don’t like how harsh “mistake” sounds so I call them “oops”. A silly word that I can’t take too seriously because really, are any of my art mistakes something to worry about? NO! Does worrying about them help [...]