I went round and round for this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party! And that is a great thing! Why? Because it was so much fun to play with the 4″ round Gelli Plate. While playing around…who should show up? But a child! Makes sense since I felt like a little kid myself! And he [...]
Wall of Words
This is like an inner critic with enough family baggage to fill a cruise ship. Over the years, I have tolerated that voice and let it suck so much joy away. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I want to embrace the fun of the season not the stress. Here’s what I have been saying any time I hear that [...]
I adore PanPastels and what they do. Since they are a pastel they need to be fixed or sealed in order to stay put, especially when I add layers on top of them. When I say I add layers on top what I mean is I like to flood it with spray inks, brush paint [...]
Doing an image transfer is so easy with Lesley Riley‘s TAP. How easy? It’s even Carolyn proof! The directions even say “You cannot over-iron it!” They were right! My so very sad ironing skills were more than enough to make this work perfectly! This is a part of the TAP/StencilGirl blog hop so be sure to check [...]
Putting some shimmer with some flat matte color today for the Clearsnap and StencilGirl blog hop as I create and color a stencil resist! Be on the lookout for one of my weird personal quirks as you watch the video. I didn’t even realize it until I went back to do the voiceover. [...]
It was a conspiracy. I’m not making this up. I am not crazy. It was a total conspiracy from my muse to get me playing. She wanted me away from the computer screen with a jumbo to-do list and into the paints! When I saw the challenge over at Art Journal Journey, I just couldn’t stop [...]
You’ve seen my favorite spray inks, you’ve seen how I experiment and play to learn about spray inks, and today I’m going to share with you how I quickly build a background in an art journal. http://youtu.be/ez9WjjsiXbg Watch Using Each Spray Ink for What it Does Best on YouTube. Join the conversation and let [...]
Different spray inks do different things for me. Prima’s Color Blooms have a sticky feel to them (not implying they are glue like, just a bit stickier on the hands) and that means they work well with things I want them to stick to – like a rubber stamp without beading up. In today’s Play Date, [...]
Words, words, words! Words in my art journal. Words on a canvas. Words on a card. Words on fabric. Words with modeling paste. I love words! I am so honored to have my latest collection of stencils at StencilGirl. Check out the video showing you how I made an art journal page with some of these new [...]