I loved it…then I hated it…my mood toward this art journal page was swinging from one extreme to another with each layer. Wild extremes that happened in a second. I love when this happens because it was such a fun ride my muse took me on today! It started with a layer I loved. I [...]
Carolyn Dube’s Stencils
When I was invited to try out the Groove from Art-C for the blog hop with StencilGirl, I didn’t know what to expect. I must admit I was a bit skeptical and wondered if it was something for me. Turns out, it is exactly the kind of thing I like to use. It’s easy to [...]
A stencil is a tool, just like a paint brush is a tool. That is one of the many reasons why I love stencils more and more each time I play with them. How you hold a paintbrush influences the type of mark you make on your paper. How you position your stencil influences the [...]
It was just going to be a few prints. That’s what I told myself. And then it happened. I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop! All I had planned to do was get things packed for my upcoming workshop, Gelli® Printing Easy as 1-2-3 in Mason, Ohio. Just thinking about the 3 steps to making [...]
So it turns out when a product comes with a lid on it, you should put said lid back on when finished using it. You guessed it…I did not do that and shockingly it dried out! So dried out that absolutely no artful CPR in the world was going to save it. Did I freak out? [...]
I was smitten with a piece of my clean up paper while Gelli Printing®. It was just where I cleaned off my brayer but I couldn’t stop looking at it. I had to make an art journal page with it. It was the perfect place for me to do lots and lots to it! Lots [...]
What do you need to turn paper into metal? VerDay paint! This stuff is fantastic for creating a patina of old metal on anything you can paint. In the video you’ll see my explorations and how I turned the rusted paper into a quick card. TenSecondsStudio sent several of these sets out for the StencilGirl team [...]
After a day of play with one of my new stencils from StencilGirl, the ladders were left out on my counter. It’s a very good thing I didn’t put them away because when I saw them on their sides, suddenly I saw fences. So out came the PanPastels for fence play…would this be called fencing? This play transported me [...]
What is that dark place for me? It’s when fear is in control and sets off a tornado of emotions in my head. Emotions like anxiety, sadness, anger, and shame. Shame really likes to hang out with fear. One of the best ways I have found for myself to quiet that storm and climb out of [...]
Layering stencils have been on my mind and what’s on my mind ends up in my journals. You might have seen my latest layering stencils that have 2 patterns on each stencil. Solar System is not one of those…but I ended up layering it anyway. (Be sure to check out the giveaway here!) If you’ve been [...]