Ever get a crazy idea that just doesn’t make any sense to you? When you’re art journaling, ideas can be nonsense – so follow them! In the video, you’ll see what idea got stuck in my head plus when I had a great big case of hesistation– and why that’s a good thing! https://youtu.be/Mnv-R6EwKgU Is [...]
As 2018 comes to a close, the circle begins again and we get another trip around the sun- hello 2019! Thank you for making 2018 such a fun year- and here’s to 2019 having, even MORE play in it! Here are a few of my most popular videos and posts as we take a look [...]
O.O.P.S.! I put way too much paint on my palette for my last project. Not a mistake. Not a fail. It won’t be wasted because it is just an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly for more play with stencils! I even turned this one into a free Spark of Art-spiration…so you can play too! You can [...]
When does the muse show up and inspire me? After I have started. It’s as if starting is her invitation to join me so that means I need to start. No matter what it is, the important thing is to just start. I grabbed plain old cardboard from a shipping box as a place to start [...]
Building an art journal page with PanPastels is instant gratification. No pesky waiting for the color dry. But how do I seal PanPastels so they don’t smear and can pass a white glove test? One way is with a gel printing plate! In the video, you’ll see how I built this steampunk page by combining pieces and [...]
Play: Mission Impossible or Mission Possible? 2016’s Let’s Play is all about sharing how I have learned to play so I chose to accept the mission from the muse! This week’s Let’s Play video, I found an art supply at the hardware store, Mesh Drywall tape. How does the hardware store help me play? There is [...]
22¢. That’s a price I can get excited about! This metal washer was only 22¢ so a handful cost less than a gallon of gas! One of the ways I found to help myself play was to use things from the hardware store. They’re often cheap…like today…I can get as many I could possibly want, and [...]
Time was on my mind around the start of new year and I wanted to capture that in an art journal page. Start of the new year? It’s March! Well, this video got lost in my files and I just found it again. Better late than never! Little did I know when I started this page, that [...]
Put a Gelli Plate® and a stencil in my hands and I just can’t stop playing! This was supposed to be just one page..or that was my plan..but I didn’t want to stop…so it became 2 pages of play! Today, I’m not the only one playing around, so is Mary Beth Shaw over at StencilGirl [...]