It’s time for a change. It’s been over 2 years of monthly Colorful Gelli Print® Parties. What fun it has been but its time has come. Now don’t worry, I’m not stopping my Gelli® printing play! There will still be videos and blog posts with that little tool of joy. It just won’t be on [...]
A Colorful Gelli Print Party

This is a technological marvel that involved intense engineering to create a pattern making tool for the Gelli Plate®. Okay…no engineering…just gluing. It might not be fancy technology but it is just as much fun when it comes time to make a pattern! I repurposed old paint lids and cardboard then let myself build up layers on [...]

What is the best paint for Gelli® printing? Any acrylic paint will work and different paints behave differently. Spoiler alert- there isn’t one paint that is best. Why? Because it depends on what look you want as well as what paints feel most comfortable to you. In the video, I compare 5 different acrylic paints: [...]
It’s the first of the month and that means Gelli® printing fun with the Colorful Gelli® Print Party! I’m taking Dyluions Paints and various texture making tools to turn a white box into a colorful box…you know how I am about white space. In the video, you’ll see how I play around and create textures and patterns [...]
This month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party is brought to you by a party…party fork that is! One of the many reasons I love the Gelli Plate® is that you can use just about anything with it, including a plastic fork to create quick texture. I’m also mixing the Deco Arts fluid acrylics right on the 4″ [...]
I went round and round for this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party! And that is a great thing! Why? Because it was so much fun to play with the 4″ round Gelli Plate. While playing around…who should show up? But a child! Makes sense since I felt like a little kid myself! And he [...]
It’s experimentation time! For this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party, I am playing with Liquitex Paint Markers on the Gelli Plate. The paint pens are water based acrylic paint (at least I think they are) so I wondered if they would work for Gelli printing. And they did! Watch Trying Liquitex Paint Markers on a [...]
Just about anything can become a tool to use for Gelli Printing. A bit of rope, glue, and cardboard have endless possibilities on the Gelli Plate. Check out the video for this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party to see how easy this is to make! Watch Making a Rope Texture Tool for Gelli Printing on [...]
For this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party I’m taking some plain ornaments from boring to rainbow thanks to the Gelli Plate! In just a few minutes and in only 2 layers, it looks like there was a lot more work put into these sleds I found buried in the back of a closet. [...]
Who needs a deadline! Who needs the stress of having to finish right now! I sure don’t! But I used to think I was required to finish in one session. Shockingly, that led to creativity crushing stress. I decided that stress was not what I wanted so just rewrote the rules and gave myself permission to work in [...]