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Carolyn Dube’s Stencils

Video sharing how to redo an art journal page with Carolyn Dube

Did I have fun making this page the first time? You bet!  Did I think it was all finished then? Yes!  Can I change my mind and redo this page?  Absolutely! I give myself permission to do over any art journal page I want. There was a time when I was overly judgmental about going back [...]

Video tutorial adding layers of color in a cardboard art journal with Carolyn Dube

It wasn’t my fault I kept playing!  Really! It was my muse!  My goal was to use up the paint on my palette…but she kept whispering in my ear for more colors…more paint…so I HAD to keep playing. An endless loop of happiness!  Can’t you just imagine how much she had to twist my arm [...]

How to create an altered book art journal page with stencils

It was just going to take a moment because all I was doing was using up the last bits of color on the brushes.  Don’t want to waste the any part of the rainbow after all.  No reason to turn on the video camera.  This is just cleaning off a few brushes. And then I [...]

Video comparing distress crayons and gelatos in an art journal with Carolyn Dube

After sharing my video experimenting with Distress Crayons, I had a lot of people asking me how they compared to Gelatos. So, I thought I’d try them out in a video side by side and see how similar or different they are. Disclaimer:  I am NOT a formally trained scientist adhering to strict rules of [...]

Doodling with stencils

A great big thank you to Maria McGuire for sharing her doodle and pen play for this blog post!  She’s created art showing several ways you can use pens and stencils together. In the mandala above working with a stencil mask, Maria drew circles in graduating circumferences. Then she positioned the stencil mask of the [...]

Video sharing how to build an art journal page with scribbled feelings and stenciling with Carolyn Dube

My feelings were messy. Not emotionally messy, just scribbly and playfully messy. I never know where the play will take me and for this page I even ended up adding a ton of white space! Why am I journaling feelings today? I’m the guest artist at Tiare Smith’s Journal About Me (JAM) year long free event. The [...]

Video tutorial using supplies from the hardware store with a Gelli Plate® in an art journal for the Let’s Play link party

The punchinella that I found at the hardware store for this week’s Let’s Play video and link party isn’t officially punchinella but it sure works like it.  Punchinella is the leftover part when sequins are manufactured.  Usually mylar and shiny.  But I actually prefer this drywall tape to official punchinella. Why do I like it better? [...]

The hardware store is full of potential art supplies that can encourage play. In this week’s Let’s Play video, the kindergartner in me came out to play. Which isn’t surprising because in the store, as I walked past the sandpaper, I just had to touch it. That sandpaper got me thinking about chalkboard art…I love the look of [...]

Video sharing how to use mesh from the hardware store as a texture tool on the Gelli plate®  to create a background for a very silly art journal page for this week’s Let’s Play link party by Carolyn Dube

Play: Mission Impossible or Mission Possible?  2016’s Let’s Play is all about sharing how I have learned to play so I chose to accept the mission from the muse! This week’s Let’s Play video, I found an art supply at the hardware store, Mesh Drywall tape. How does the hardware store help me play?  There is [...]

What are distress crayons from TIm Holtz?  Video showing how to use them in an art journal and what pens will write on it by Carolyn Dube

What do I do when I have a new art supply?  I play with it to get to know how it works and how well it gets along with other supplies.  As I experimented with Distress Crayons by Tim Holtz I wanted to know if I could I stamp on it and what pens would write on [...]