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Iron Grate

The Good, The Bad, the Ugly…and the Hoarder thumbnail

There was a collision of the good, the bad, and the ugly in today’s play as I dealt with one of my hoarding tendencies.  This canvas began long ago, and it just sat.  That is until today, when I realized the opportunity in the O.O.P.S. was to use up a hoarded treasure…one that other people might [...]

Doodling with stencils

A great big thank you to Maria McGuire for sharing her doodle and pen play for this blog post!  She’s created art showing several ways you can use pens and stencils together. In the mandala above working with a stencil mask, Maria drew circles in graduating circumferences. Then she positioned the stencil mask of the [...]

Couldn’t get sharks off the brain so they ended up in my art journal!  Captured it all on video too! Inspired by Discovery Channel’s Shark Week

What’s swimming around in my head?  Sharks thanks to Discovery Channel’s recent Shark Week.  Brought back all sorts of nostalgia for me since I remember when it all began.  Yes, I’m that old. I am amazed by these creatures…but it’s not like I want to swim with them in the open seas.  I am a big [...]

I started  with a Gelli print® and then built up layers of stencils and simple doodling to create a mixed media paper

Ever have a Gelli print® that leaves you feeling blah?  The kind that are fine or okay…that is such a so-so place to be. I don’t like so-so.  So what do I do? I say O.O.P.S. This Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly was loaded with opportunity.  If I didn’t care about it, I was free to just play with [...]

I’ve created a video showing how I used Gelli® printing as a starting point to create stenciled papers

What can you do with the papers you make Gelli® printing?  You can build on the colors and lines already there with a stencil to create your own custom artful patterned papers.  Something strange has been happening to me…I have been having fun with subtle coloring. Not sure what is happening, but when the muse [...]

Using leftover paints to play step by step tutorial by Carolyn Dube

I just needed to use up my leftover paint so I didn’t commit the crime of wasting color.  That was my excuse to let loose and just play with the goal of using it all up. It’s a very freeing goal because there is nothing in there about perfection.  Nothing in there about what it [...]

Love adding pattern to tags with stencils!

Sometimes I just play around without a plan.  I know, you’re shocked.  That’s how all 3 of these tags came about – just random play with Pebbles Layer Me, Iron Grate Layer Me, and Connected Eyes Layer Me stencils. The muse gave me the imperfect vibe today so I went loose with the paints.  That means getting paint under the [...]

Video showing how to quickly and easily create detailed patterns with Layer Me stencils from StencilGirl Products!

I love the look of detailed and complex designs however, that usually takes more patience than I have. Until now!  I don’t have more patience suddenly, I have a stencil that will quickly do the job thanks to my layering stencils. https://youtu.be/KPYB4PPazR4 Watch How to Use Layering Stencils on YouTube. These are all a part [...]