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Creating Stenciled Papers

It's so much easier for me to make patterned papers when I start with ones I made while Gelli printing!- made a video of the whole thing too!

What can you do with the papers you make Gelli® printing?  You can build on the colors and lines already there with a stencil to create your own custom artful patterned papers.  Something strange has been happening to me…I have been having fun with subtle coloring. Not sure what is happening, but when the muse talks I have learned to listen!

Want to win all 3 of my newest stencils?  I’ve got a giveaway happening and you can find all the details (and how to get a total of 6 chances to win) here.

Watch Creating Stenciled Papers from a Gelli Print®  on YouTube.

It's so much easier for me to make patterned papers when I start with ones I made while Gelli printing!


Here’s the print that spoke to me because of all the lines of color.

You can see how I made this paper in my What’s the best paint for the Gelli Plate. (It’s near the end of the video.)

Using white paint, I stenciled each of the patterns on  Connected Eyes Layer Me and Iron Grate Layer Me stencils on the paper.  One of the reasons I designed the Layer Me stencils is I wanted patterns that coordinated and were capable of creating lots of different looks.


I've created a video showing how I used Gelli® printing as a starting point to create stenciled papers

The next layer of color came by putting the coordinating pattern from the Layer Me stencil on top which adds subtle depth.  Enjoy a little chuckle in the video as I forgot how to follow my own plan.

I've created a video showing how I used Gelli® printing as a starting point to create stenciled papers

Finished it off with some scribble journaling with a fine liner.  Where will I go with this paper next?  Might use it in a collage, in an art journal, but for right now I am happy simply enjoying looking at it.

I've created a video showing how I used Gelli® printing as a starting point to create stenciled papers

Here are the supplies I used. Some of these links are affiliate links which means I get a small percentage. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and you are helping me keep this blog and my videos ad free! Thank you- I don’t like ads any more than you do!

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  • Mary C. Nasser ,

    Lovely painted paper, Carolyn! Wonderful video!!
    I really like you color palette and the way you added a variety of patterns to just portions of the paper…and of course, I love your scribble writing, too!

  • stephanie ,

    Ohhhh! Very nice. I think I need to get these new stencils

  • Denise Spillane ,

    I am smiling right now. Love the paper especially the background. But I am thinking subtle? Never for you! Beautiful.