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Gel plates make great layers in an art journal plus they can make things much easier for you when you’re stamping with paint. An O.O.P.S., an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly, happened with the gel plate with white paint. It wasn’t until the very end of the page that I realized what the opportunity in it [...]

Quick Way to Use Your Gel Prints with a Stencil Mask thumbnail

Stencil & mask sets can make your life so much easier. How? Because it lets you see what things will look like before you commit with paint. You’ll see how on these gel prints as I create quick cards in the video. https://youtu.be/dDoymNJncQ0 Start by grabbing some colorful or patterned papers. I’m using gel prints [...]

What inspired my newest stencils at StencilGirl? Egypt and my experiences there. The part where I rode a camel, and not very gracefully I might add, wasn’t the inspiration. It was the symbolism, the stories, the history, the mystery that is all throughout Egypt. In the video, you’ll see a picture from that camel ride [...]

How Many Colors Should You Use on a Gel Plate? thumbnail

When you’re gel printing, is there a magic number of colors you should use to get a good print? Should you use 3 colors or 12 colors? https://youtu.be/AEDt8SvKeUY Not only am I using a lot of colors, they don’t even “go together”- that is until they are layered in a gel print. There are gorgeous [...]

At long last, this year, I finally updated my painted stairs. These are the stairs I walk on every day to get to the studio and now that they’re colorful, I wonder why it took me so long to make time to do this! What I learned and the OOPS or two along the way [...]

OOPS! Dealing with Overthinking thumbnail

What can stop the play? Overthinking.  It has the power to bring the play to a complete halt.  Luckily, there are ways to slow the perfectionistic over thinking and bring back the play. In the video, you’ll those ways in action and be sure to check out the message I have for that over thinking voice at [...]

Creativation 2018 Recap by Carolyn Dube

What is Creativation? It is a trade show in Phoenix for the art and craft industry.  Sure there were lots of new products (and yes, I’ll be sharing videos in the near future using them) but what I came for was the people.  To catch up with old friends, to meet online friends in person, and make [...]

Merry Happy Holidays!  May you and your family have a wonderful time together!

StencilGirl Super Sale Monday! thumbnail

Do you like stencils?  Do you like deals and discounts?  This Monday might make you very happy then!  It’s StencilGirl Products Cyber Monday sale! 25% off stencils on top of their everyday deal!  Plus a free 9×12 stencil for every $100 spent!   Naturally, StencilGirl gets crazy busy during this sale.  To get the orders [...]

Mary Beth Shaw is celebrating her birthday with stencils!  Not only a gigantic sale but on Friday morning and in the evening (7am and 7pm CST) July 7th she will be live sharing stenciling techniques using Tim Holtz’s Distress Oxide Inks on the SG Facebook page at  www.facebook.com/StencilGirlProducts.  If you miss it, never fear, you can [...]