Come have fun with me for an in-person workshop making gel prints with layers loaded full of color and pattern! I’ll guide you through two days of play for Playful Layers at Ephemera Paducah in Paducah, KY. Expect plenty of laughter, an OOPS or maybe two. There always seems to be an OOPS when I’m [...]
Gelli Plate A highly efficient stenciling technique was used to start this art journal page. That’s code for an easy (or one could even say lazy) way to do it. What is the this easy way? Using a Gel Press plate. Since I was very heavy handed with the paint on the Art Nouveau stencil, that [...] You can use household items to make tools for your Gel Press plate. Today, I’m using toothpicks to solve a problem. I love writing on colorful papers, but I need lines on there if I have any hope of keeping the writing close to straight. So a few toothpicks and cardboard but along with [...] I ran out of Scotch tape while wrapping gifts. O.O.P.S.! It was an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly so instead of running out to the store, I did something else. I gel printed a big piece of paper and sewed the gift into a pouch. No tape needed! This was speedy gel printing all about [...] Lining things up and getting it centered just right can be tough, but they don’t have to be! Getting the lips positioned so they open directly on the flap & getting it centered in the card, was all done without measuring. Check out the video to see how it’s all done! And yes, I [...] Reverse stenciling enables you to get a very different look from your stencils. But it can be a persnickety technique if you don’t know the three important factors that dramatically impact your print. Below is an example of the Feelings and Emotions 1 stencil used the standard way on the left and reverse, or [...] A plain white cheap t-shirt can become something so much more with some simple gel printing. I’m using The Awareness Ribbon plate by Gel Press to create a pattern on the shirt in honor of my mom and all the families impacted by breast cancer. In the video, you’ll see the really simple way [...] What’s the right way to store your gel plate? You’ve probably heard conflicting ways to store them from different people. The reason for that is there is more than one way to do it. Keep reading to find out the reasons behind storing your plate, because when you understand why something happens it is [...] You can take trash, like the lids from water bottles, paints, cosmetics, or anything you have to make circular patterns on your Gel Press plates! You’ll see how using up every last little bit of paint gives you the ability to create the varied layers on some of these tags! The tool used to [...] Small-shaped Gel Press plates are a great way to explore and experiment with pattern. The shape used here is from the Faith Impressions set. Just to be clear, Harrison Ford isn’t gel printing but he ever wants to I will make that happen! He was the inspiration behind why I chose this fun shape [...]