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Gelli Plate

Video showing how the layers built up with gelli printing® and mask on a paper bag for the Let’s Play link party

What’s the play for this Tuesday? It’s a grocery bag!  I’m using something I would have thrown away as my canvas for a little Gelli Plate® and stencil mask play. Technically this wouldn’t have been thrown away…it would have been recycled the traditional way. The “rules” for the Let’s Play link parties are open to interpretation… [...]

Gelli print with stencils

It is super easy for me to get caught up in the overwhelming to-do list of the holidays, the rush to get to every event, and all at the same time be in the moment to feel the joy of the season.  To get to the joy of season part, I had to find a [...]

I was Gelli printing® with the Doodle it Dream Landscape stencil and had the idea to use it as a coloring page.  All those wonderful lines in black paint just screamed opportunity to play to me.  You can see how how to make a reverse print with the Gelli Plate® in a video here. But…there was an [...]

Video Using a Little Gelli Plate® and a Big Stencil for Happy Art Play

What am I sharing for this week’s Let’s Play link party?  Plop, plop, but no fizz fizz, but oh what a relief play is…okay I might be a little slap happy from the play…As I was playing with a little Gelli Plate® and a stencil, I got the most wonderful thrill plopping it right on the paper. In [...]

The holidays have arrived faster than I realized…and I am running late getting my nephew’s advent calendar together.  The fact that I have zero holiday wrapping paper isn’t a problem because I am going to make my own.  But I needed to get this mailed out yesterday…so I need to get lots of wrapping paper [...]

Video using reverse alphabet stamps for Gelli printing-

  Want to print words on a Gelli® print?  If you’ve ever tried it, you might have learned the way I did…with a great big Oops!  Text is reversed on a Gelli print®.  If you’re using a stencil with words that just means flip the stencil over. But what if you want stamped words.  Stamps don’t flip [...]

“What can do you do with all the prints you make with a Gelli Plate®?” is something I get asked often.  Anything that I use paper for I can use Gelli prints®.  That is just what I did as I created some fun library pocket holders with a new Sizzix die. I grabbed a whole bunch [...]

Video showing to art journal a pumpkin for Halloween- bright and happy rainbow colors!

It’s that time of year when people I know love to carve up a pumpkin.  It probably won’t shock you to know that I’d rather paint a pumpkin than carve it.  While they carved, I used paint to create a background on my pumpkin, just like I would if I was creating a background in [...]

What happens when Carolyn Dube listens to happy 70’s music while art journaling?  Check out the video!

I was under the influence of the 70’s while I made this art journal spread.  The music was blaring and my muse stopped by to spark my play by making this floral Gelli print® call to me from a stack of prints. If you’ve ever used a Gelli Plate®, you know how easy it is to [...]

Carolyn is sharing how she went step by step  from loving her art journal page to hating it and back again to loving it.

I loved it…then I hated it…my mood toward this art journal page was swinging from one extreme to another with each layer.   Wild extremes that happened in a second.  I love when this happens because it was such a fun ride my muse took me on today! It started with a layer I loved.  I [...]