Cheap plastic balls are becoming pattern making tools for Gelli printing® in this week’s Let’s Play video! These balls are meant for kiddie ball pits but just because they aren’t supposed to be an art supply doesn’t mean they can’t be one! Be sure to get entered into the Let’s Play $50 gift certificate giveaway by [...]
Gelli Plate
What do I do about critical thoughts in my head? Do I let them rain on my play? Those judgmental thoughts..the inner critic…gremlins…no matter what name it goes by it used to squash my play. But it doesn’t any more and I’m sharing how one word can chase those thoughts away. My inner critic shows up as a [...]
What happened when I put a round Gelli Plate® on a rotating cake stand? Hypnotic colors spinning round and round that resulted in a stack of playful prints for this week’s Let’s Play video! How does this help me play? There is no wrong way to do this so the pressure is off! After all there is [...]
The punchinella that I found at the hardware store for this week’s Let’s Play video and link party isn’t officially punchinella but it sure works like it. Punchinella is the leftover part when sequins are manufactured. Usually mylar and shiny. But I actually prefer this drywall tape to official punchinella. Why do I like it better? [...]
Play: Mission Impossible or Mission Possible? 2016’s Let’s Play is all about sharing how I have learned to play so I chose to accept the mission from the muse! This week’s Let’s Play video, I found an art supply at the hardware store, Mesh Drywall tape. How does the hardware store help me play? There is [...]
Time was on my mind around the start of new year and I wanted to capture that in an art journal page. Start of the new year? It’s March! Well, this video got lost in my files and I just found it again. Better late than never! Little did I know when I started this page, that [...]
What neglected supply did I find to play with today? A roll of stiff white lace. Anything that is white in my studio begs to have some color added. But what colors? Darker colors that I rarely use. Why? Using often ignored supplies makes playing exciting because it is almost like the supplies are new again [...]
I’ve got two brand new workshops this spring using the Gelli Plate®! I’ll be teaching both of these at Artsicape in Columbus, OH plus I’ll be demoing with the plate at the Friday Kick Off party. If you’ve never been to Artiscape, it has the most wonderful creative vibe. I’m counting down the days until April [...]
Have any art supplies that haven’t been used in a while? I definitely do! I’ve bought things, enjoyed them, and then somehow they just end up in the bottom of a drawer for a very long time. But not today! I’m going to use one them, glass floral marbles which have been collecting dust in [...]