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Gelli Plate

Spinning Rainbows on the Gel Plate thumbnail

Since I don’t get to see rainbows in the sky that often, I am always happy to make them in the studio. Warning: this is a colorfully hypnotic way to spend an afternoon watching the rainbow spin round and round on the Gel Press plate!  And yes, I most definitely loved Spin Art as a kid…and [...]

Using Pasta for Gel Printing thumbnail

Going to the grocery store isn’t just for cooking, it is for gel printing too!  Bucatini, a pasta that is part spaghetti and part drinking straw, makes the most wonderful textures on a Gel Press printing plate. https://youtu.be/jUtG9DJTs3E Watch Using Pasta for Gel Printing on YouTube.  If you’re new to gel printing, there’s a getting started [...]

OOPS…Be Fearless thumbnail

How do I make decisions when art journaling?  Is it a scientific formula based on sound principles of physics and chemistry?   Nope.  It’s based on the theory of O.O.P.S., Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly. https://youtu.be/2dTd2hRRtJY Watch Art Journal Play with Washi Tape and Stencils on YouTube. The background began as this aqua colored, very blah [...]

Gel Printing with Impressables and the Rainbow thumbnail

What happens when a few colors are added to an Impressable Gel Press plate?  FUN!  Jen Starr Studio’s design, Repeat Circles, with Dylusions paints created a stack of rainbowed circle prints!  And yes, rainbow should be a verb! https://youtu.be/u4Idwk1RYPg Watch Making rainbow circles with the Impressable Gel Press Plate on YouTube. The Impressables Gel Press plate has a [...]

Letting Myself Get Lost in my Art Journal thumbnail

Knowing where you are going can be overrated.  Granted, if you are an airplane pilot, it is critical you know where you are going.   But I’m not flying a plane, I am playing in an art journal wandering around without any clear plan. It all began by gluing down some pieces and parts.  One is [...]

The Gel Printed Matisse Grid with my Geometry Fail thumbnail

OOPS! The plan was to build the grid with 3 colors by having each color in each row and no color touching itself.  I thought it was a solid plan. It wasn’t, since after row #2, I was backed into a corner.  Okay, that sounds a bit dramatic but for a fleeting second that is [...]

Excited to be returning to Artiscape this April in Columbus, Ohio.  I always have a blast, both in class and out of class, laughing, playing, and being around all the creative energy.  What am I teaching? Check it out below! Dirty Little Secrets of Gel Printing April 29th, 2017 How do you get those amazing [...]

The CHA Adventures thumbnail

What happens at CHA doesn’t stay at CHA!  I had this grand plan of sharing photos all weekend long and of visiting all the booths.  After all CHA looks like one big party on social media…which it is, but not disco lights and loud music. The party was all about finding creative fun people around every corner. [...]

Paint Couture…Gel Printing Rainbow Sneakers thumbnail

Paint Couture…fun to make and fun to wear!  Turns out finding a rainbow colored pair of shoes isn’t as easy as you might think so I decided to make some rainbow shoes!  Clearly, I did not cobble them myself but simply painted a cheap pair of canvas sneakers. Even though you don’t see triangles all [...]

A New Kind of Gel Plate Called Impressables by Gel Press! thumbnail

Impressables by Gel Press are a new kind of gel plate!  All the fun of gel printing with a twist – they have an embossed pattern on them! These have just been released at CHA and will be shipping in the near future. Like all gel plates, there is more than one way to use them. [...]