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Wall of Words

Waiting for that Perfect Idea thumbnail

What’s the play for today? It’s all about wanting and waiting for that perfect idea. Perhaps you’ve been wishing waiting for that too. I was treasuring an art journal page and waiting for that “perfect” idea to appear out of thin air. After waiting quite a while, I realized play was the perfect idea! So I grabbed what was nearby [...]

Ripping it all Up, Kintsukuroi Style Art Journaling thumbnail

I’m using the Japanese technique of Kintsukuroi in my art journal. What is that? It involves ripping up the page! Check it all out in my guest post on the guest post on the Stampington and Co. blog. You bet there’s video too! Thanks Stampington for inviting me to play! Where did the inspiration for this [...]

Washi tape and stencils to create a playful frame video loaded with mixed media techniques by Carolyn Dube

What happens when I actually use some of my stash of washi tape? Wild things thanks to a little stencil fun inspired by Mary Beth Shaw. Stencils are tools that can be used more than one way with washi tape and you can see how in the video plus how using tissue paper makes stenciling words [...]

Abstract Art Journal Play that Started with a Gel Print thumbnail

I was lost and didn’t want to be found! Lost in the play that is. As I added paint to this art journal page, I was guided by the abstract shapes gel printed directly in my art journal. I even had a crazy thought about keeping some white space. https://youtu.be/3MnrtlVlt8k Watch Abstract Art Journal Play that Started with [...]

My Very Sneaky Muse Pulled Fast One on Me thumbnail

My muse pulled a fast one on me. She’s sneaky that way. This started as just play, using up leftover paints in my art journal and then bam! This couple in the photo had something to tell me and my reaction took me by surprise. https://youtu.be/3jER40q-VWA Watch Art Journal Play with a Vintage Photo on YouTube. Using [...]

A Silly Collage to Shake off Stress thumbnail

There was a stress intervention from the Muse at the request of my family. Grown up responsibilities had been getting the better of me. As I played and added more layers to this collage, a ridiculous plot involving Alfred Hitchcock appeared. The sillier the plot, the less stress I felt. https://youtu.be/7SulNBaTe8w Watch Shaking off stress with [...]

Rescued from Overthinking By My Art Journal thumbnail

The play almost didn’t happen today. That logical left brain of mine was having a control freak kind of a day and things were being taken way too seriously. What rescued me? What got me playing? My Permission to Play art journal! https://youtu.be/J-mHpov572Y Watch Rescued from Overthinking By My Art Journal on YouTube. Want to make [...]

Wet Paint, a Stencil, and a Baby Wipe thumbnail

I had a plan and didn’t follow it from the very first moment. I had intended to just cover up part of a ho-hum layer, but in a flash, the whole thing was covered in gesso. In fact, it seemed that every time I had a plan, I didn’t follow it! https://youtu.be/TLYmCs_IYko Watch Wet paint + [...]

Where I Start Isn’t Important thumbnail

What do I do when I want to play but don’t want to tackle a blank page? I flip through my art journals and see which page calls to me. That’s one of the perks of having random backgrounds and pages in progress sprinkled throughout. The page that called to me was loaded with brown, which usually affects me [...]

Women of the Rainbow with Scribble Sticks thumbnail

Precision is not my middle name. Happily, not a drop of precision was needed to create this art journal page of rainbow women as I played with Dina Wakley’s Scribble Sticks, some stamps, and a stencil. And yes, there was an OOPS (an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly). Actually there was more than one. https://youtu.be/FNVgGNB20IA Watch [...]