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Where I Start Isn’t Important

Sealing gelatos in an art journal video by Carolyn Dube

What do I do when I want to play but don’t want to tackle a blank page?  I flip through my art journals and see which page calls to me.  That’s one of the perks of having random backgrounds and pages in progress sprinkled throughout.

The page that called to me was loaded with brown, which usually affects me like Kryptonite does Superman, but not this time.  Perhaps it was the words, “Where You Start” that intrigued me as a reminder that where I start isn’t the important part.  The important part is that I do start.

The rainbow is courtesy of Gelatos and yes there was a bit of an OOPS that happened while sealing them.

Watch How I Seal Gelatos in an Art Journal on YouTube.

New to gel printing?  I’ve got a step by step video and downloadable guide to get you started.

Here’s the Kryptonite brown page that has repelled me for months…possibly even years.

Sealing gelatos in an art journal video by Carolyn Dube

The rainbow has arrived on this page courtesy of Gelatos!  Smearing and scribbling with creamy color turned this page from something I didn’t like to something I was loving.

Sealing gelatos in an art journal video by Carolyn Dube

Gelatos react to water, so as I thought about possible layers on top of them, I decided to seal them.  Using a Gel Press printing plate and some fluid matte medium (basically any runny glue), I sealed it without smearing.

The O.O.P.S. (Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly) happened when I used copious amounts of the glue.  It was sealed just fine with a Gel Press plate but more glue needs more time to dry…which is tough on an impatient person like myself.
Sealing gelatos in an art journal video by Carolyn Dube

What was the opportunity in that heavy coat of glue? It got me to stop contemplating what the next layer might be and fall even more deeply in love with the colors and texture on this page.

I know I could’ve used a heat gun to speed the drying along but I am just not much of a heat gun person.  But I am a rainbow person, so this page, even though it feels unfinished in some ways feels perfectly finished in others.

Sealing gelatos in an art journal video by Carolyn Dube

The muse is right. It doesn’t matter for me where I start, even if it’s with brown.  What matters is that I start!

Here are the supplies I used. Some of these links are affiliate links which means I get a small percentage. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps keep the free tutorials coming!

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  • Laura LeMaster ,

    Carolyn, I just love your down-to-earth-edness! I learn from you, but I also ENJOY you. Keep on doing what you’re doing!

    • Kathy Olson ,

      Laura, I read the post first and then noticed that you wrote it!!! hahaha Ditto to your comments! Carolyn, I love your joyful, no pressure, attitude. Learning so much, too. (Laura and I go way back as fellow creatives)

  • Jeanne Spaulding ,

    Carolyn, the brown turned out beautiful! So, lesson learned. You don’t have to throw pages away necessarily IF they aren’t pretty!