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Carolyn Dube’s Stencils

A new stencil release means a giveaway!  One random winner will receive my 5 latest releases and my DVD, Breaking the Rules! Beyond Stenciling Techniques – and yes, international is eligible too!  I’ve heard from lots of people they have already ordered some of these, so if you win and you’ve already got one you can [...]

Video of colorful scribbling, used as her morning pages, is transformed with a butterfly stencil and paint.

What inspired my art play today?  Aggravation…not the game…the emotion.  Thank goodness for Julia Cameron and her morning pages from The Artist’s Way so I could get it all out of my system! I have used Morning Pages to write, on paper with lines and an ink pen, what I’m feeling, thinking, etc. without worrying about grammar, punctuation, spelling, [...]

Why Art and Play are so important for adults!

Why  is play important?  Why is happiness important? They are the same question to me. If we talk about kids, most would agree it is necessary for children to play.  It plays a significant role in how they develop socially, their physical well being, and cognitive development.  But why is it just good for kids? [...]

Video making a cardboard journal with a perpetual calendar for each month

I want to be the type of person who chronicles every day in a scrapbook or planner or journal.  Reality check…I’m not.  I might do it a few days, then miss a bunch, then do it again, but by March, I am usually so far behind that I never pick it up again.  But what I [...]

Using some of that cardboard all around and scraps on the counter, a very silly story involving eggs and Santa is revealed through art journaling play for the Let’s Play link party!

Amazon boxes mean cardboard is everywhere thanks to some last minute shopping…which means I have a cheap and plentiful place to paint and play.   A little Santa on my counter that was left over from another day’s play (you can see it here) sparked the silly story to come.  I never know where my mind [...]

Going modern with a perpetual calendar step by step

The twists and turns of time have been on my mind with the new year coming and what is on my mind comes out in my play.  I was darn sure I knew exactly how my life was going to go.  I was 18 and full of wisdom…or so I thought.  All this self reflection [...]

Gelli print with stencils

It is super easy for me to get caught up in the overwhelming to-do list of the holidays, the rush to get to every event, and all at the same time be in the moment to feel the joy of the season.  To get to the joy of season part, I had to find a [...]

Video capturing the artistic battle between the right and left sides of Carolyn’s brain as she makes an art journal page on a Gelli print!

Art journaling is all about capturing moments for me.  And sometimes, I want to get the date in there.  But there is a catch.   I generally dislike my handwriting so I’ve created a stencil that solves this issue for me, the Never Ending Calendar stencil in 4×4 and 6×6 sizes for StencilGirl. Plus, I have [...]

Video Using a Little Gelli Plate® and a Big Stencil for Happy Art Play

What am I sharing for this week’s Let’s Play link party?  Plop, plop, but no fizz fizz, but oh what a relief play is…okay I might be a little slap happy from the play…As I was playing with a little Gelli Plate® and a stencil, I got the most wonderful thrill plopping it right on the paper. In [...]

The holidays have arrived faster than I realized…and I am running late getting my nephew’s advent calendar together.  The fact that I have zero holiday wrapping paper isn’t a problem because I am going to make my own.  But I needed to get this mailed out yesterday…so I need to get lots of wrapping paper [...]