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Carolyn Dube’s Stencils

Making a plain envelope colorful with a gel plate, Paper Artsy paints, and StencilGirl stencils video by Carolyn Dube

What do I do with plain white envelopes before I mail them? I add the rainbow…and stencils!  This one in particular went out to Erika, who won the 10 stencil giveaway recently.  How did I do it?  It’s all in the video, including the OOPSies and the part where I unexpectedly felt a ton of resistance! https://youtu.be/y6cGEFqucK0 [...]

Things Got Sketchy at the End of the Day thumbnail

It was the end of the day and I had a ton of paint left on my palette. At this point in the day, thinking was a challenge but I couldn’t waste that paint. So I grabbed a couple of stencils and started making O.O.P.S.ies…Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly! Things got sketchy in my art journal that is! [...]

Oh Hell No…Putting My Perfectionism in it’s Place thumbnail

This was one of those days where I could feel perfectionism and critical thoughts getting louder and louder in my head.  Days like this used to squash my creativity and chase the muse away. But they don’t any more, in part because I call upon my inner teenager to handle it. I wish I could [...]

The Stencil that Solved 2 Problems for Me art journaling video by Carolyn Dube with StencilGirl stencils

This stencil solved 2 problems for me.  One, how to get a word to perfectly coordinate with any background and my impatience when stenciling words when I want them precisely lined up. ***If you’d like to win this stencil (and 9 others) check out the giveaway*** https://youtu.be/491QN6QOozo Watch This stencil solved 2 problems for me on [...]

Playful Creatures Emerge From the Play thumbnail

These colorful creatures emerged from my rainbow play. It might look like I thought a lot about the pattern and the color, but I didn’t.  I had a bit of help, thanks to using both the stencil and mask. How did that make it easy?  Check out the video! ***If you’d like to win this stencil (and [...]

OOPS! There’s No Autocorrect in my Art Journal thumbnail

I had a quote by Elizabeth Gilbert that I was stenciling into my journal with a pen.  I was looking at the words and was so lost in the moment that I lost track of the actual words.OOPS! Silly part is I didn’t notice until after I was coloring it in! Not only is this O.O.P.S., [...]

Using Gel Prints to Make Quick Cards thumbnail

What can you do with your gel prints? One things is handmade cards!  I love sending them but whenever I need one to send, I don’t seem to have the time to make it.  So I created the Alpha Jumble stencil as a shortcut so that even on busy days, I can get something from the heart into [...]

Rainbow Stenciling Tutorial thumbnail

Rainbows are happy and colorful but they symbolize so much more that just that!  They are the hard won reward for making it through a difficult storm. Arting with my Painted Rainbows stencils is one way that I celebrate the journey of making it through those tough times. In the video, you’ll see 2 techniques – how I create the rainbow and how I [...]

New Stencils at StencilGirl! thumbnail

What do Sketchy Women with Class have to do with Painted Rainbows?  What do Figments of Imagination have to do with Kandinsky’s Garden? They are just some of my new stencil designs just released at StencilGirl! Here’s a look at some of what I’ve been creating with these new designs.  It’s my version of a journal flip through…why [...]

Fearless Women in My Art Journal thumbnail

What’s a fast way to stencil when you’re working in a large art journal (or any thing else that is big)?  A gel plate!  Not surprisingly, there was an O.O.P.S., an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly while I played in this vintage journal. https://youtu.be/lHoP3NnvVqc Watch Gel printing in a vintage ledger as an art journal on YouTube. [...]