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Art Heals

The Power of Play thumbnail

Ever have one of those days where everything that could go wrong goes very wrong? That even the littlest things upset you? That’s where I was – and my day was miserable because of my mood. But how can you shift a mood from mean and cranky back to being who your really are? Through [...]

The Unexpected Collage thumbnail

It was an unexpected collage that happened in today’s play that started out with intense frustration. Frustration that came from a computer challenge where I was at the point of either getting a sledgehammer or my art supplies to deal with it. Sure, I got my frustration out through play but just when I thought [...]

Shoulding Too Much? Try This thumbnail

There is way too much shoulding happening in our days. Should I get the car an oil change.  Should I finish the paperwork that is due soon.  Should I make an appointment to get my gray hairs colored. I should this. I should that.  Perhaps you’ve got that long overwhelming list of things you should be [...]

Image Transfer Cheat in an Art Journal thumbnail

What can you do when you love a background but want to add an image on it?  Use an image transfer because it will let some of the background peek through. But some techniques are wildly unpredictable and can be a lot of work.  Granted, they look cool, but I prefer an easy no fail way to do it by [...]

Swearing at my Inner Perfectionist thumbnail

The perfectionist in my head had been hounding me all day. Every decision required justification in triplicate.  It was smothering me and it was getting old.  My inner teenager had enough and a few choice words to put that negative critical voice back in its place. https://youtu.be/VKDsvhs5EvA Watch Shutting up perfectionist voices mixed media style on YouTube. [...]

My Very Sneaky Muse Pulled Fast One on Me thumbnail

My muse pulled a fast one on me.  She’s sneaky that way.  This started as just play, using up leftover paints in my art journal and then bam! This couple in the photo had something to tell me and my reaction took me by surprise. https://youtu.be/3jER40q-VWA Watch Art Journal Play with a Vintage Photo on YouTube. Using [...]

Where Will These Doorways Lead Me? thumbnail

The idea of doorways was stuck in my head the moment I saw these scraps. I became fixated on them the same way a song gets stuck in my head.  Little did I know what these treasured leftovers would get me thinking about. Once the bits, gel printed using my Arched Aqueducts stencil, were glued down on [...]

Finding Stress Relief in my Art Journal thumbnail

I have a therapist on call 24 hours a day and the sudden change in my world due to broken ankle, has me needing that therapist more than usual.  Who is this amazing helper? My art journal.  She’s always available and always accepting of whatever mood I am in.  Here’s a look at a recent session [...]

It’s Time to Make Art thumbnail

I wasn’t feeling creative at all.  Everywhere I went, the mood was tense and full of uncertainty and stress levels were contagiously high.  I need to ditch some of the stress.  It was was time for me to make art. Not carefully thought out with a focal image and complex techniques.  I needed finger painting. [...]

How art journaling helped me process my feelings

There was real terror in my studio last week.  Not artful terror.  Animal Planet kind of terror. A 3 foot long black snake.  As Indiana Jones said in Raiders of the Lost Ark, “Why did it have to be snakes?” Of course his were venomous and angry…mine was scared and harmless.  But emotionally, I was [...]