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Buried Treasure in Old Blog Posts

Seth Apter, the wonderful host of Buried Treasure, reminded me of something as I dug through my posts.  Each time I create, I capture the moment.  Some moments I am laughing at myself. Some moments I am learning lessons.  Some moments I am processing feelings.  I am so grateful for my art journal so I can look back at these moments.

But I’ve gotten ahead of myself.  What’s Buried Treasure you say? Seth’s Buried Treasure is about bloggers digging through previous blog posts to uncover some hidden gems and reshare them.  I am very excited to go over and see what treasures others have shared too!

So here are some of my favorite blog posts, moments, and memories!

My Muse Gave My Inner Critic a Kick in the Pants


Inviting a Thief to Steal My Joy

My Knock Down, Drag Out Battle for White Space

Art Journaling with Inktense Pencils

Thanks Seth for hosting Buried Treasure and getting me thinking!  If you’ve got a moment, head on over and check out all the Buried Treasure!

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  • I’ve seen most of these, and really enjoyed revisiting them. I always like a positive spin on things, and I know you do that. So glad you reposted these during Buried Treasure.

  • Joi@RR ,

    It was really great for me to see these Carolyn. I mostly associate you with gelli plate work… donno exactly why sooooo… I am so happy for Seth’s Buried Treasure to see your fabulous work here!!! j.

  • Denise Spillane ,

    Love htm both!

  • Always enjoy watching you work!