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Using Pasta for Gel Printing thumbnail

Going to the grocery store isn’t just for cooking, it is for gel printing too!  Bucatini, a pasta that is part spaghetti and part drinking straw, makes the most wonderful textures on a Gel Press printing plate. https://youtu.be/jUtG9DJTs3E Watch Using Pasta for Gel Printing on YouTube.  If you’re new to gel printing, there’s a getting started [...]

OOPS…Be Fearless thumbnail

How do I make decisions when art journaling?  Is it a scientific formula based on sound principles of physics and chemistry?   Nope.  It’s based on the theory of O.O.P.S., Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly. https://youtu.be/2dTd2hRRtJY Watch Art Journal Play with Washi Tape and Stencils on YouTube. The background began as this aqua colored, very blah [...]

Art Journal Play Inspired by Matisse thumbnail

How do I find the meaning in my art journaling?  It isn’t always logical.  That random “t” on the bottom of the page would lead me to Marilyn Monroe when I expected to use a Henri Matisse quote.  Along the way for bonus fun, I was able to annoy that logical left brain of mine and [...]

What are Scribble Sticks by Dina Wakley? thumbnail

What are Scribble Sticks? Inquiring minds want to know! Are they like a crayon or a colored pencil or a watercolor  or an oil pastel?  Will they work on dark colors?  Will they react to water? Will they bleed through paint?  This is what I set out to learn as I played around with Scribble Sticks [...]

Gel Printing with Impressables and the Rainbow thumbnail

What happens when a few colors are added to an Impressable Gel Press plate?  FUN!  Jen Starr Studio’s design, Repeat Circles, with Dylusions paints created a stack of rainbowed circle prints!  And yes, rainbow should be a verb! https://youtu.be/u4Idwk1RYPg Watch Making rainbow circles with the Impressable Gel Press Plate on YouTube. The Impressables Gel Press plate has a [...]

Using Gel Prints for Ransom Alphabet Cards thumbnail

The Streets of San Francisco were a big part of the inspiration for this alphabet stencil and these cards.  Many moons ago, when watching reruns of the tv show starring Michael Douglas and Karl Malden, there was a kidnapping and the ransom note was individually cut up letters from the newspaper. The stereotypical ransom note [...]

The Gel Printed Matisse Grid with my Geometry Fail thumbnail

OOPS! The plan was to build the grid with 3 colors by having each color in each row and no color touching itself.  I thought it was a solid plan. It wasn’t, since after row #2, I was backed into a corner.  Okay, that sounds a bit dramatic but for a fleeting second that is [...]

Leftover Scraps Become Mixed Media Art thumbnail

This play came from that thing I wasn’t paying attention to, the scrap paper from cutting out hearts.  I liked the hearts I cut out, but I loved this paper so much so that this is what I used first!  The muse is rather tricky some days. https://youtu.be/i3R5e_IqelI Watch Leftover Scraps Become Mixed Media Art [...]

Paint Couture…Gel Printing Rainbow Sneakers thumbnail

Paint Couture…fun to make and fun to wear!  Turns out finding a rainbow colored pair of shoes isn’t as easy as you might think so I decided to make some rainbow shoes!  Clearly, I did not cobble them myself but simply painted a cheap pair of canvas sneakers. Even though you don’t see triangles all [...]

PanPastels, a Baby Wipe, and a Castle thumbnail

PanPastels are vibrantly full of pigment…and work wonderfully with baby wipes so I decided to build an art journal page of castle towers with them. Want to win the stencils used in this video?  One lucky reader will win all 7 of my new stencils.  Leave a comment on this blog post for a chance [...]