Ever just see something in a store and you knew it was meant to be yours? Like love at first sight? That’s what happened with this huge ledger. Even though I had no rational idea of what I was going to do with it at the time, I had to bring it home! Thank you Kristin for [...]
What happens when I actually use some of my stash of washi tape? Wild things thanks to a little stencil fun inspired by Mary Beth Shaw. Stencils are tools that can be used more than one way with washi tape and you can see how in the video plus how using tissue paper makes stenciling words [...]
You can put just about anything on an Impressable gel plate…including modeling paste! The texture these two create together is magnificent…can you tell that I love texture? What can you do with this flexible piece of colorful texture? I used it create a golden jeweled canvas. https://youtu.be/5boB4wdqJIk Watch Modeling Paste on an Impressable Gel Plate on YouTube. [...]
Have you seen the incredible ways to wrap gifts on Pinterest? The kind that take hours to wrap and the gift looks like a piece of holiday decor, not something you rip open? This video isn’t like that, after all, I’m giving a gift card. But I want it to be fun, have a personal [...]
They are making clothes for the Elf on the Shelf, but they aren’t the colors or style I wanted, so I decided I could make her skirt. How hard could this be? A little gel printing, a simple running stitch, and a bunch of glue. Let’s just say I don’t think I’ll be on Project [...]
Art supply guilt can be a good thing. Really! I bought all different types of oil pastels over the years. I used them a wee bit. Since then, these have just been sitting ignored on the shelf and taking up space. Today the oil pastels were radiating waves of guilt because I hadn’t used them in so long. I [...]
What do I do with plain white envelopes before I mail them? I add the rainbow…and stencils! This one in particular went out to Erika, who won the 10 stencil giveaway recently. How did I do it? It’s all in the video, including the OOPSies and the part where I unexpectedly felt a ton of resistance! https://youtu.be/y6cGEFqucK0 [...]
What happens when I go to IKEA? I find textures for gel printing! Just about anything can create patterns or textures on a Gel Press plate so that means there were loads of possibilities. One of the treasures I found was the $2 bamboo placemat. https://youtu.be/JSbV8WyydQk Watch Gel printing with an IKEA placemat on YouTube. Want to [...]
It was the end of the day and I had a ton of paint left on my palette. At this point in the day, thinking was a challenge but I couldn’t waste that paint. So I grabbed a couple of stencils and started making O.O.P.S.ies…Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly! Things got sketchy in my art journal that is! [...]