I am playing…I mean teaching…2 workshops at Simply Said Stamps in Loveland, Ohio. Both are happening on Saturday, Oct. 24th. I’m keeping the classes small, just 8 total spots for the Jumping into Gelli Printing® with Stencils and only 12 for Creating Playful Layers with Stencils. Here are the details of each workshop. Just click on [...]
Gelli Plate
After taking a solemn oath of OOPS, 20 brave women embarked on a day of play in Gelli® Printing: Easy as 1-2-3. The workshop was held inside a spacious and inviting old home at the Arts Alliance in Mason, Ohio. These women were more than just willing to play, they were a blast! Lots and [...]
It was just going to be a few prints. That’s what I told myself. And then it happened. I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop! All I had planned to do was get things packed for my upcoming workshop, Gelli® Printing Easy as 1-2-3 in Mason, Ohio. Just thinking about the 3 steps to making [...]
What is that dark place for me? It’s when fear is in control and sets off a tornado of emotions in my head. Emotions like anxiety, sadness, anger, and shame. Shame really likes to hang out with fear. One of the best ways I have found for myself to quiet that storm and climb out of [...]
The Gelli Plate® turned plain brown lunch bags into colorful goodie bags for my upcoming workshops at Stampaway. I played with some of new stencils that were just released from StencilGirl – and I’m giving a set of them away. You can get entered to win here. I just went to town with all sorts [...]
It’s time for a change. It’s been over 2 years of monthly Colorful Gelli Print® Parties. What fun it has been but its time has come. Now don’t worry, I’m not stopping my Gelli® printing play! There will still be videos and blog posts with that little tool of joy. It just won’t be on [...]
This is a technological marvel that involved intense engineering to create a pattern making tool for the Gelli Plate®. Okay…no engineering…just gluing. It might not be fancy technology but it is just as much fun when it comes time to make a pattern! I repurposed old paint lids and cardboard then let myself build up layers on [...]
Ever have a Gelli print® that leaves you feeling blah? The kind that are fine or okay…that is such a so-so place to be. I don’t like so-so. So what do I do? I say O.O.P.S. This Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly was loaded with opportunity. If I didn’t care about it, I was free to just play with [...]
What can you do with the papers you make Gelli® printing? You can build on the colors and lines already there with a stencil to create your own custom artful patterned papers. Something strange has been happening to me…I have been having fun with subtle coloring. Not sure what is happening, but when the muse [...]
What is the best paint for Gelli® printing? Any acrylic paint will work and different paints behave differently. Spoiler alert- there isn’t one paint that is best. Why? Because it depends on what look you want as well as what paints feel most comfortable to you. In the video, I compare 5 different acrylic paints: [...]