Time for a little home renovation, mixed media style. I bought 5 gallons of house paint in the colors of the rainbow, grabbed a Gel Press monoprinting plate and started printing right on the walls. Yes, I did it directly on the wall. Slapping it right against the wall makes the most wonderful thwap sound! [...]
Gelli Plate
O.O.P.S.ville is a wonderful town, after all there are no mistakes just Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly. This art journal page started with the leftover scraps I just couldn’t bear to throw away from cardmaking with gel prints. Living up to the name of this town, plenty of OOPSies were a part of this process and of [...]
Need an excuse to play? I mean an idea for a quick gift? While braving the holiday crowds at WalMart, I happened upon these Cool Gear coloring cups…an insulated cup that you can put put any image into. It is sold with coloring pages in it which you can see in the video, but I inserted a gel [...]
What can you do with a stack of papers made while gel printing? One thing is make a fun and fast holiday card. In the video, you’ll see how it was inspired by a sweater and that there was not a thought of measuring. After all, I’m not a precise type of card maker. https://youtu.be/bj5WQ0Lnzdo Watch [...]
The play gets ugly today. Really ugly. The challenge of this page is that I used Dylusions spray ink on the first layer and it reactivates as soon as paint hits it PLUS it will bleed through any paint layer. But what I thought was ugly became something I love thanks to a little help from a Gel Press [...]
Building an art journal page with PanPastels is instant gratification. No pesky waiting for the color dry. But how do I seal PanPastels so they don’t smear and can pass a white glove test? One way is with a gel printing plate! In the video, you’ll see how I built this steampunk page by combining pieces and [...]
How big of a print can you make with a little gel plate? As big as the paper (or whatever you are printing on)! This almost 4 foot long print was made with the 3×5, the 6×6, and the 4″ round Gel Press printing plates! Just printing over and over on the paper with the 3 [...]
Brown. I used brown. Lots of brown. Why? Because No Expectations is the theme for this month’s Let’s Play videos. Having no expectation is easier said than done but one way I can do that is by doing something I know will be ugly to me. Hence the brown. Technically, I still have an expectation, it is [...]
Control is a creativity killer for me. My left brain likes control, which is quite helpful in some areas of my life, but not when it comes to art and play. Letting go of control is easier said than done but I have found ways to help myself do it. One way is by using a tool or [...]
Inspiration can come from anywhere, including the everyday. I have walked by the tree below for weeks noticing the abundance of seed pods but it wasn’t until I was hit in the head by one of the branches that I realized how much fun they would be Gelli printing®! Yes, my muse literally hit me in [...]