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Teenage Angst

An O.O.P.S. Is a Good Thing! thumbnail

This art journal page didn’t go as planned. And that’s a good thing! Why? Because I made a boatload of O.O.P.S.ies on here and each O.O.P.S. led me in a better direction than I planned! What’s an O.O.P.S.? It’s an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly. https://youtu.be/bnmkF9u0pCg Using ho hum gel prints is a great way to [...]

The Unexpected Collage thumbnail

It was an unexpected collage that happened in today’s play that started out with intense frustration. Frustration that came from a computer challenge where I was at the point of either getting a sledgehammer or my art supplies to deal with it. Sure, I got my frustration out through play but just when I thought [...]

De-Stressing with an Art Journal thumbnail

The to-do list felt never ending.  There wasn’t enough time to get it all done.  Ever felt that way?  I was feeling overwhelmed so I turned to my art journal to help me, the 150 year giant tome of a art journal.  It’s fitting that something so big will help me with a big to [...]

Image Transfer Cheat in an Art Journal thumbnail

What can you do when you love a background but want to add an image on it?  Use an image transfer because it will let some of the background peek through. But some techniques are wildly unpredictable and can be a lot of work.  Granted, they look cool, but I prefer an easy no fail way to do it by [...]

Oh Hell No…Putting My Perfectionism in it’s Place thumbnail

This was one of those days where I could feel perfectionism and critical thoughts getting louder and louder in my head.  Days like this used to squash my creativity and chase the muse away. But they don’t any more, in part because I call upon my inner teenager to handle it. I wish I could [...]

New Stencils at StencilGirl! thumbnail

What do Sketchy Women with Class have to do with Painted Rainbows?  What do Figments of Imagination have to do with Kandinsky’s Garden? They are just some of my new stencil designs just released at StencilGirl! Here’s a look at some of what I’ve been creating with these new designs.  It’s my version of a journal flip through…why [...]