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Carolyn Dube’s Stencils

Who Told Me to Do What? thumbnail

I was told to do all sorts of stuff- and it was a blast! In my most recent live stream, I completely trusted the friends in my Facebook group, Rediscovering Your Creativity, to tell me what to do. I had to do what they said, in the order they said it. It was fast and [...]

The Power of Play thumbnail

Ever have one of those days where everything that could go wrong goes very wrong? That even the littlest things upset you? That’s where I was – and my day was miserable because of my mood. But how can you shift a mood from mean and cranky back to being who your really are? Through [...]

Making Art Dolls with a Stencil thumbnail

Stenciling I know. Sewing, not so much. Taking Home Economics in middle school 30+ years ago can only help you so much. But how hard could this be to take a stencil and turn it into dolls? Famous last words. The stencil used to make these art dolls was inspired by Henri Matisse’s The Dance [...]

Play Is the Beginning of Knowledge & an OOPS thumbnail

Does everything go as planned? No & that is the fun, this is play after all! You’ll probably laugh at how many times I redid the stenciling on this piece of recycled cardboard and why I chose to do the very last thing to it. https://youtu.be/Zc3mt5etQvs You can art on anything- including cardboard packing material. [...]

New Stencils Just Released thumbnail

What secret have I been keeping? 4 new stencils! They’ve just been released at StencilGirl Products and there were 2 big influences on these, play and Henri Matisse. https://youtu.be/zJeCLGgKHg0 When I saw The Dance by Henri Matisse at the Museum of Modern Art, I was speechless. Sure I loved the feeling of unrestricted movement and [...]

What if an idea doesn’t make sense? thumbnail

Ever get a crazy idea that just doesn’t make any sense to you? When you’re art journaling, ideas can be nonsense – so follow them! In the video, you’ll see what idea got stuck in my head plus when I had a great big case of hesistation– and why that’s a good thing! https://youtu.be/Mnv-R6EwKgU Is [...]

The Danger of Art Journaling thumbnail

There are dangers to beware of when art journaling. You’re not in danger, actually the opposite because art play is soul nourishment and a way to release stress. But it can rather hazardous to certain art supplies. One art supply isn’t gonna make it out of this play alive- see what happens in the video. [...]

Ripped, Torn, and Layered thumbnail

This all started with 2 gel prints. Then the ripping. The tearing. And that’s when I realized the plan I had wasn’t going to work. And that was a good thing because where it ended up was far better than what I had planned! https://youtu.be/BkKFPxlWBuo These 2 gel prints sparked the idea for this art [...]

Using a Spark of Art-spiration thumbnail

Play.  It isn’t just for kids, it’s for grown-ups too.  Kids jump right in to play – no warm-up needed.  Adults sometimes need a little help getting to that playful place. That’s where my free Sparks of Art-spiration can help. See how to use a Spark as a springboard for your play in the video [...]

How to Use Gel Printed Tissue Paper thumbnail

Ever get an idea and then halfway through then realize what you’ve gotten yourself into?  That was what happened with the journaling on this page.  It takes a lot of writing to fill a page lol! But it did create the look I   https://youtu.be/I9HqV3EwT-w Start with some gel printed some tissue paper. You can see [...]