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Lesley Riley’s Reverse Alphabet Stamps and Gelli Printing®

Video using reverse alphabet stamps for Gelli printing-


Want to print words on a Gelli® print?  If you’ve ever tried it, you might have learned the way I did…with a great big Oops!  Text is reversed on a Gelli print®.  If you’re using a stencil with words that just means flip the stencil over.

But what if you want stamped words.  Stamps don’t flip over the way a stencil does. So Lesley Riley created these reverse alphabet stamps and sent me a set to try out.

In the video below you’ll see how I played with these to create a text based pattern. Hidden in all the random letters is one word, my favorite word of late.

Want a set of these stamps?  Lesley is giving away one set of Reverse Alphabet stamps  to one randomly drawn commenter that will be chosen on Sunday, November 8th at 10pm EST and the winner announced on Monday.   Leave a comment and get entered to win!  Just one comment per person please and continental US only due to shipping costs.   The giveaway is now closed- scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who won!

Reverse Stamping on a Gelli Plate

Watch Reverse Printing on a Gelli Plate® on YouTube.

Want to know more about Gelli priting®?  Getting started? Take a look here.  Want to see more play with a Gelli Plate®? Take a look here.

Congrats to the winner, Lynne P!  Check your email for my email or send me your information at carolyn at acolorfuljourney dot com !

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  • Pamela Reed ,

    Thanks Carolyn for the chance to win! I have most everything in art supplies but no rubber stamps! Would love to win!

  • Sherry ,

    Wow, wow, wow! Love it super idea

  • Like the 50 ‘s song’s title, “We’ve Only Just Begun”, I am getting so excited about Gelli Printing. There is no ‘point of return’ once you begin to enjoy creating this way. I have always wondered HOW a successful reverse printing could be made in this process and now I KNOW. Thank you so very much for all your Utube videos on Gelli Printing. I have saved every one of them. Oooh, am I having fun !

  • Saranne ,

    great idea! problem solved would love to win a set! ?

  • Sandra Reade ,

    These are awesome! What a difference they will make to playing with my gelliplate

  • Kathy sandell ,

    I want a set! They are fabulous and the video really convinced me to search for a set. Kathy

  • Corrine ,

    Cute idea. Like the idea of the reverse, makes it so much easier. xox

  • What a great idea!

  • Would love to be able to play with a set of these!

  • Carolyn, I subscribe to your youtube videos and now to your blog and love your exuberant approach to making art. I also love discovering new-to-me products that promise to be helpful and fun additions to my tool box.

    I would love to have a set of the reverse stamps as I am frequently looking for ways to add words to my art. So perfect for Gelli Plate work.
    I particularly like the way the letters all snap together.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win them!

  • Laura ,

    That’s actually brilliant. I was also thinking that regular stamping would be good with them if you want more of a pattern or if you want a more child like look where one or two letters are reversed.

  • Tammy B ,

    Fantastic! i’m so excited that these are now available, thanks for the 411!

  • I LOVE THIS!! What a fun way to make backgrounds! I just ordered the mini gelli plate shapes, and can’t wait to try this on them! Thanks for the opportunity to win! 🙂

  • Glenda L ,

    Those look like so much fun. I have the regular pegz and my granddaughters love them. These would be great for secret backward messages, too. Would love to have a set. They would also be great on the back of vellum or deli paper than you want to have the ink on the underside. Thanks for bringing them to our attention.

  • Sandra ,

    I love this! Such a simple, yet print-changing idea. I hope this becomes so popular more font styles get manufactured.

  • Kim ,

    Thanks for sharing another great video, would play be your favorite word 😉
    These are Fabulous letter stamps and I would love to win a set…

  • Sally Malec ,

    What a great product. I haven’t used words before with my gelli plate because it is not easy using letter stamps. But with Lesley’s stamps I will not have that problem anymore. My fingers are crossed.

  • Regina van Zomeren ,

    What a fantastically innovative idea! love it!

  • Terri ,


  • Bernice ,

    What a fantastic idea. Thank you for the opportunity to win a set of the stamps.

  • Peg R ,

    Great tool for gel prints. Thanks for sharing.

  • What a brilliant and usual thing to have!
    Lesley has done it again.
    Thank you for inspiring with another of your videos Carolyn.
    Thanks also for the chance to be the very lucky winner.

  • Vera Thornton ,

    Love the chance to win a great set.

  • Janet Moss ,

    Love the idea of reverse stamps….and thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

  • Jeme Baker ,

    Absolutely love these. They are definitely going on my wish list. My 10 yr old loves gelli plate play and we would have a blast with these!

  • Amy Roswick ,

    How fun! Thanks for the chance to win.

  • nancy ,

    A-MA-ZING!!!! Love the product and the example, especially the second pull. Thanks for sharing your talent and ideas.

  • April Lopez ,

    That was fun!!! I really NEED these stamps now. What a great idea she came up with!

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    Great idea thanks for show it.

  • Gail ,

    WOW great idea. Love how they snap together. Thanks for sharing.

  • Mary Ellen Geitz ,

    What a great idea for stamps! Not only backwards for the gelli plate, but the way they snap together is genius!

  • Pamela Levingtson ,

    What a great idea! I’m a stamper so this is way cool to me!

  • What a great idea! I enjoyed your YouTube video and would love to have a set of these stamps.

  • zandra ,

    Wow, thanks so much for a chance to win.

  • Judy Mac ,

    Reverse letter stamps – great idea for Gelli printing! And I love that the letters snap together so they automatically line up.

  • Sara ,

    What a great product!

  • Gayle Grier ,

    Carolyn, this is the best thing since sliced bread!! Would love to win your giveaway! Thanks!

  • Sue ,

    OMG …. what an awesome idea … I could really rock the gelli plate w/ those!!!

    Thanks for the opportunity!!


  • Carole Carlson ,

    Oooh, count me in, please! This is the sort of mistake I would make over and over.

  • What a great idea! I love how they snap together to make words. I hope she makes some that aren’t reversed too. Thanks for the chance to win them too.

  • Lorraine Lopez ,

    Love this I just bought my first gelli plate and also just learned how to carve out my own linoleum blocks, reverse alphabet stamps are perfect thank you for the opportunity to win a set.

  • What a cool idea by Lesley!! And I love seeing you play in your video!!

  • Cathy ,

    Genius…why did I not think of that. LOL

  • Kathy Plourde ,

    I love my gelli print and would love reverse alpha letters… Thanks for the possibility..

  • LynneP ,

    What a great idea to make the stamps both reversible and with the ability to click together! So easy to use.
    Thanks for the chance to win a set.

  • stephanie ,

    how cool!!!

  • Liz ,

    I love rubber stamps and stamping and have several! Alphabet sets, but this set would be so useful. Thanks for opportunity to win this set.

  • Well, that was quite fun. I loved your randomly placed letters.. great result with that vibrant color. Thank you, my friend.

  • Bernice Piotrowski ,

    What a great idea! I would love these.

  • Carla ,

    Smart lady that invented this set of stamps!

  • patti highley ,

    I have found my love in the world of art…..quotes in mixed media, but frustrated with lettering. I also love gel plates. What a great match ! Thanks

  • Melinda ,

    What a great idea — definitely want a set since I love gelli printing and words on my gelli prints would be just wonderful! Pick me!

  • Andi Kayan ,

    Wow! What a clever idea for printingmaking! I always struggle with reversing words in the font I want and would love a set of these!

  • Jood ,

    So smart-so creative! Hope they make more in different fonts and sizes!

  • Anni ,

    I was skeptical about these until I saw your demo. Very cool. Put my name in the hat.

  • Quite a clever “invention” here! Thanks for sharing this test drive with us!

  • Bonnie Kittelson ,

    Loved your video (saw it needs Pinterest) and immediately went to Lisle Riley’s website and ordered the stamps. ?

  • Ann Dunlop ,

    Such a wonderful opportunity!!! Thank you! I do love my Gelli!!!

  • Denise ,

    What a wonderful product with so many possibilities! I would love to win a set. ~ Denise

  • What a great idea!

  • Joslyn wilson ,

    That is such a fantastic idea!

  • Sandy Argall ,

    I love Gelli plates and am always wanting to try something new. Reverse alphabets are genius.

  • Sue Chesley ,

    genius! I love how those stamps snap together! Thanks for sharing, Carolyn….you are so much fun!

  • Twylla S ,

    Brilliant idea. Can’t wait to try.

  • Gerry Stott ,

    What a great idea…more fun with Gelli

  • Jody ,

    Reverse stamps! What a fantastic idea. Lubba dem!

  • Jane Kimball ,

    I’m loving the reverse printing and this is a great reminder to do it more often. Thanks kiddo.

  • Oh! Reverse letters that click together! I need these! Not WANT but NEED!

  • marian ,

    What a cool idea!!

  • Kathleen shellrude ,

    Oh my nothing I’d rather have that a set of stamps!! Art has saved my life so many times I’m grateful for lessons and events that aren’t expensice…it’s hard at times to be as creative as you wantto on a disability fixed income but if you get creative…lol…you can always find a way!! Thanks again

  • Kim ,

    What a fabulous give away! I would love to own a set!

  • Melinda Morgan ,

    The reverse alphabet stamps are such a clever idea. I’d really like to win a set of them to use in my studio. Thanks for the opportunity.

  • Louise Foster ,

    What a great idea! I like the way they snap together, too. Thanks for the video!

  • Cindy Thrall ,

    Very fun! Great idea…..I like how the stamps can interlock

  • Brenda Brannon ,

    So glad Leslie Riley came up with this idea and manufactured them for all of us to enjoy!

  • Adelia ,

    Just getting into the whole gelli plate thing and super excited about all the possibilities! Thanks for being awesome! ☺

    • Adelia ,

      Also! (Sorry I should have done this all in 1 comment. Hehe) Can i ask what that gorgeous magenta color you used for this video is? And using the electric toothbrush for cleaning stamps is genius! I will definitely be doing that from now on. Ok, thanks alot!! ☺

  • LOVE those reverse stamps.

  • Rhonda ,

    OOOOO..cool I wanna win!

  • Bunny ,

    Oooooo! I would love some Gelli friendly alphabet stamps! xo

  • Jo Hennelly ,

    Art. Play. Love!

  • Mary Holshouser ,

    I have a gelli plate but haven’t used it.
    The video has got me ready to put it to use.
    thanks for the chance to win the reverse stamps.

  • Jo ,

    Another one of those “I wish I thought of it” moments. Crazy about geli printing so what a fun product! Thank you in advance for picking me!!?

  • Elaine Parks ,

    Love the reverse stamps. I have tried writing backwards on the gelli plate, not very successful. Thank you so much for sharing all your techniques and being such an inspiration to create and play.

  • Cynthia Tuttle ,

    I would love to win a set of your amazing stamps that stamp in reverse!

  • What an awesome idea! It’s one of those “I can’t believe it wasn’t thought of earlier” moments 🙂 So simple and so SMART! I’m sure you’ll be successful with these stamps.

  • Dee Spillane ,

    Great idea! Wow, I think I may need these. Thanks for sharing.

  • Karen ,

    I would love to try these reverse letters with my students. Glad someone has thought to produce these! A boon for everyone who prints. Another item to add to my school wish list!

  • Debbie ,

    Wow, what a great idea! I didn’t realize there was such a thing. It would make writing phrases quicker and easier.


    I teach Gelli printing classes, and these would be a wonderful addition to my supplies. Didn’t know these existed. What a great idea!

  • Arlene D ,

    The reverse snap together stamps are awesome! Clever idea! Thanks for the opprotunty to win a set!

  • Sandra Boreen ,

    I would love to try this technique. Don’t have any Gelli plates yet, but they would be fun to add to my art stash and use them in my art. I do have rubber stamps and some woodcuts. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  • So love this! I need those right now! Can’t wait to get sone. Thanks for sharing!

  • Wow I had not realized stamps mixed so well with GELLI Arts, of course I am a neophyte when it comes toe GELLI. I’ve only just begun to GELLI. I think I would like a set of these. Carolyn, Thanks for the demo!

  • lilli ,

    Thank you for this video! I’ve been wanting to try these but have been a little afraid because I didn’t know anything about them.

  • Janice ,

    Love this, need to get out my gelli plate and play.

  • Beverly Stout ,

    I think I would have so much fun with these! Awsome!

  • Bonnie Lerner ,

    The reverse alphabet set will be wonderfully helpful, especially for a directionally challenged left handed/right brainer like me !

  • Nancy J B ,

    Making life easier! I’d be excited to win!

  • Mary Kelly ,

    I just recently purchased a gelli plate and I’m having fun Playing. Reverse Rubber stamps would be awesome to use. Just another way to express myself.

  • Amy Malla ,

    As always thanks for the inspiration and ideas to use with Gelli printing. I have done many a backwards stencil, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. The same goes for stamps. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  • Kathy H ,

    Love, love the gelli plate! And love the inspiration you give so well!! Thank you, thank you!! Kathy H

  • Latain Sandau ,

    I am having soooo much fun watching the videos and playing with paint! Gelli Plate looks like a lot more fun! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

  • Carol Trugman ,

    Thank you for the Video on Reverse Stamping. Always good to learn what’s out there and how to use it. I would love to win the Reverse Stamps.

  • Audrey Byrd ,

    Wow! What a fabulous idea! Love your prints.

  • Missy ,

    What a clever idea! The way they snap together is fabulous. Thanks for the giveaway! Missy from the bayou

  • Cindy McIntosh ,

    How innovative. That’s one of the things I love about art…always new and fresh ideas.

  • Linda Pool ,

    Cool! I always wondered what a Gelli plate was. Sounds fun. Thank you for this chance to win one.

  • Georgia Taylor ,

    Love this new printing of reversible letters. Very exciting!

  • Judith Clarke ,

    The Reverse Alphabet stamps are marvelous! Carolyn, Thank you for introducing them to me.

  • Mary Geitz ,

    Thanks so much for the inspiration! I think my biggest takeaway is that working on something that is not precious brings out the play. I will be saving every box that comes into this house!

    again, thank you!

  • Debby Graf ,

    I would love to use the reverse stamps in my art work.

  • Those would really be fun to try!! Thanks!

  • Cindy ,

    Great idea. I especially like that they are interlocking so that the letters are lined up. Reverse and interlocking, it doesn’t get much better.

  • MaryC ,

    Excellent product design! Look forward to using for additional Gelliplate printing!

  • Jen E ,

    Lesley and Carolyn — now there’s a dream play-date in the making !-)
    Very innovative way to link image components together; I would like to see design elements set up this way also, so we could customize pattern mixes.
    As a graphic design instructor, it’s hard to get my students interested in the history of type — feels ancient and out of touch to them — but can see something like this that they could use more freely in mixed media being a juicy way to get them off the computer font downloads and getting into it. Thanks!

  • Liz Lumsden ,

    Wonderful idea! Reverse letter stamps, where have you been all my hello printing life?

  • Cool give away!!!

  • Sharon Norvelle ,

    Gee hope I’m not too late. Would love playing with those.

  • Sharon Field ,

    Think it is too late but I just got the Email so I will try anyway. These look great and just may have to go on my wish list.

  • Terri Shaver ,

    Watched the video!! Very cool!! Would love to win these!

  • Susan Lundine ,

    Awesome idea!

  • Mary ,

    Very nice!

  • Kathy golden ,

    Love your wirk

  • Marilynn Rich ,

    Reverse stampe, what a great idea, and like your video.