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A Colorful Gelli Print Party

Join me for a Colorful Gelli Print Party!

I adore playing and creating with the Gelli Plate®. Although the Colorful Gelli Print® Party has come to an end, I am still continuing to make videos and share what I’m doing with the Plate.


Below are links to previous Party tutorials using the Gelli Plate.


Share what you’ve made printing in the Colorful Playground!

What do you need to get started Gelli Printing? In the video, I share with you my recommendations for getting started playing!If you’re brand new to the Gelli Plate, here’s a place to get started including figuring out what size plate is for you and what kinds of paints to use with the Gelli Plate®.



A Google+ community for sharing all forms of art!



Be sure to check out the Colorful Playground for some amazing prints, projects, and techniques!


Come and share what you’re making on the Gelli Plate in the Colorful Playground Google+ community! Are you new to Google+ and wonder how it all works? So are a lot of us. We’re learning it together. I’ve got a short video showing you how it works here.