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Le’ts Play video tutorial using old dried out rub ons in an art journal and link party!

Things don’t always go as planned…and when it is play…that is more than okay!  The plan was recycle tissue paper that had been gift wrap and old dried out rub ons in my art journal for this week’s Let’s Play video and link party + giveaway. Now, those rub ons really surprised me.  When I found them in [...]

Video full of tips and tricks for Gelli printing® as she uses the round plates in an art journal with a round stencil!

Put a Gelli Plate® and a stencil in my hands and I just can’t stop playing!  This was supposed to be just one page..or that was my plan..but I didn’t want to stop…so it became 2 pages of play! Today, I’m not the only one playing around, so is Mary Beth Shaw over at StencilGirl [...]

Video showing how the layers built up with gelli printing® and mask on a paper bag for the Let’s Play link party

What’s the play for this Tuesday? It’s a grocery bag!  I’m using something I would have thrown away as my canvas for a little Gelli Plate® and stencil mask play. Technically this wouldn’t have been thrown away…it would have been recycled the traditional way. The “rules” for the Let’s Play link parties are open to interpretation… [...]

Video sharing how to upcycle an old picture frame mixed media style

 For this week’s Let’s Play link party, I’m upcycling an old picture frame, mixed media style!  This frame had no glass in it…no photos…and the backs were missing.  Why was I keeping it?  No idea but it was either time to get rid of it or add some color to it!   So how does [...]

A new stencil release means a giveaway!  One random winner will receive my 5 latest releases and my DVD, Breaking the Rules! Beyond Stenciling Techniques – and yes, international is eligible too!  I’ve heard from lots of people they have already ordered some of these, so if you win and you’ve already got one you can [...]

Video of colorful scribbling, used as her morning pages, is transformed with a butterfly stencil and paint.

What inspired my art play today?  Aggravation…not the game…the emotion.  Thank goodness for Julia Cameron and her morning pages from The Artist’s Way so I could get it all out of my system! I have used Morning Pages to write, on paper with lines and an ink pen, what I’m feeling, thinking, etc. without worrying about grammar, punctuation, spelling, [...]

Why Art and Play are so important for adults!

Why  is play important?  Why is happiness important? They are the same question to me. If we talk about kids, most would agree it is necessary for children to play.  It plays a significant role in how they develop socially, their physical well being, and cognitive development.  But why is it just good for kids? [...]

Making  your own calligraphy nib out of cardboard for Star Wars inspired art journaling

  I didn’t have what I needed…so I used what I had around to create it!  I felt a little like McGyver when the idea popped into my head to make a flat calligraphy dip pen just so I could write Star Wars in my art journal for this week’s Let’s Play link party. I’m [...]

Video making a cardboard journal with a perpetual calendar for each month

I want to be the type of person who chronicles every day in a scrapbook or planner or journal.  Reality check…I’m not.  I might do it a few days, then miss a bunch, then do it again, but by March, I am usually so far behind that I never pick it up again.  But what I [...]

Video capturing the artistic battle between the right and left sides of Carolyn’s brain as she makes an art journal page on a Gelli print!

Art journaling is all about capturing moments for me.  And sometimes, I want to get the date in there.  But there is a catch.   I generally dislike my handwriting so I’ve created a stencil that solves this issue for me, the Never Ending Calendar stencil in 4×4 and 6×6 sizes for StencilGirl. Plus, I have [...]