Ever just see something in a store and you knew it was meant to be yours? Like love at first sight? That’s what happened with this huge ledger. Even though I had no rational idea of what I was going to do with it at the time, I had to bring it home! Thank you Kristin for [...]
Faber Castell
What’s a fast way to stencil when you’re working in a large art journal (or any thing else that is big)? A gel plate! Not surprisingly, there was an O.O.P.S., an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly while I played in this vintage journal. https://youtu.be/lHoP3NnvVqc Watch Gel printing in a vintage ledger as an art journal on YouTube. [...]
There is no expiration date on collage material, it’s not milk after all. But there is a point at which I have to face the reality that if the “perfect” project hasn’t come along yet, it probably isn’t ever coming. I might as well just use it. One of the pieces of paper in here, [...]
You know that feeling of clarity and focus you have when inspiration strikes? When there is no doubt as to what you should do. That’s NOT what was happening here. I had no clarity. No focus. Every decision was full of doubt because of that inner perfectionist pestering me. So what do I do when I have days [...]
The play almost didn’t happen today. That logical left brain of mine was having a control freak kind of a day and things were being taken way too seriously. What rescued me? What got me playing? My Permission to Play art journal! https://youtu.be/J-mHpov572Y Watch Rescued from Overthinking By My Art Journal on YouTube. Want to make [...]
From the very start of this play, making decisions was a tough challenge. So tough I had to use the 3 second rule. What is the 3 second rule? It is when I give myself 3 seconds to make a decision and move on. In the video, you’ll see that I was stuck more than once and [...]
My latest design team post is up at DesignMemoryCraft! That rainbow of glass “shards” on the card are actually flexible and a breeze to cut with scissors! You can see the full post and video here where I show how I used Gelatos to color the Honey Medium and how I built that mosaic pattern (hint, it didn’t [...]
Aquarelles are a watercolor pencil…but I’m not going to use them with water! Check out my video and design team post over on the Faber Castell DesignMemoryCraft.com blog! Here’s an up close photo of the layers of color thanks to the watercolor pencils and Stamper’s Big Brush pens. And yes, I mix the pens [...]
What do I do when good colors go bad? I double down and play even more. This started as an experiment that went to the most horrid baby poop green in layer number 2 thanks to some unplanned color mixing. It happens to us all. The creamy colors themselves are wonderful, but the way I combined them was [...]