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That Perfect Project Never Came

That perfect project never came as I played in my art journal with gelatos and hoarded collage goodies.

There is no expiration date on collage material, it’s not milk after all. But there is a point at which I have to face the reality that if the “perfect” project hasn’t come along yet, it probably isn’t ever coming. I might as well just use it.

One of the pieces of paper in here, I have been saving for 19 years. How do I know that so precisely? One of them is a leftover copy of a drawing my daughter did, which I turned into cards for a Christmas gift for family when she was little. She’s graduated college now so perhaps it is time to use it in my art journal.

That perfect project never came as I played in my art journal with gelatos and hoarded collage goodies.

Things were going along swimmingly as I laughed at myself for having saved these bits so long. I was having such fun using them, adding color with Gelatos around the collage bits. Why hadn’t I used them sooner!

That perfect project never came as I played in my art journal with gelatos and hoarded collage goodies.

Then perfection paralysis hit. I wanted to journal just the right words to remind me of these feelings and the moment.

But I couldn’t find the “perfect” title for the page. So I scribble journaled here and there with a Pitt Pen as I searched for the right word. The word never came.

That perfect project never came as I played in my art journal with gelatos and hoarded collage goodies.

So I turned to my rubber stamps for help with a title. Using a black Gelatos I added the word “travel”. It fit with some of the collage bits and these papers had quite a journey being saved through the years but it wasn’t the perfect title.

That perfect project never came as I played in my art journal with gelatos and hoarded collage goodies.

Nothing about this was perfect but a part of me wanted it to be perfect. Gratefully, the part of me that wanted to have fun won out. Perfect isn’t much fun but play is!

That perfect project never came as I played in my art journal with gelatos and hoarded collage goodies.
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  • Donnalee ,

    thank you much for all you share?. this in particular for me is a wow moment, i have had the same precious, guarded scraps waiting for just the “perfect” spot. you have reminded & encouraged me that play is most important! blest be ?

    • Robin ,

      This message came at the exact right time. As I try to remind myself “it’s paper, there’s plenty more where that came from!” This, along with your swearing at your perfectionist video – priceless! Thanks so much.