While art journaling, this scar wasn’t a mistake, it was an Oops (Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly). And it had a very strong message for me. Scars aren’t always seen but every person has them. Maybe they shouldn’t be hidden but shared instead. Maybe they aren’t something “ugly” but a reminder of the journey. Random stenciling [...]
Downton Abbey has me under its spell. I have avoided it until recently and now am an addict devouring seasons as quickly as life will allow. While listening to the video of Downton Funk- okay, watching the video while pretending to straighten up the studio- I ended up with an art journal page instead of a clean studio. So [...]
I went too far. I was just playing around on cardboard and was really becoming very very happy with what was developing. So I kept going…and then I went too far. Does that ever happen to you? Was that a mistake? Nope, not at all. It was an Oops, an Outstanding Opportunity that Presented Suddenly. The [...]
There is one important thing to remember when Gelli printing with words. It’s a biggie. And I forget it all the time. How could I forget something so important? I get into a Gelli printing zone and my brain turns off and lets me create from the heart. What’s the important thing I forget? [...]
I use art to process emotions and feelings but sometimes I get stuck. That’s when having a prompt helps me get moving again. Gelli prints and my new Verbage stencil to the rescue! This stencil, packed with words of action to celebrate the emotions and excitement of life, is a great way to create prompt cards. [...]