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The Power in Her Scars

Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message

While art journaling, this scar wasn’t a mistake, it was an Oops (Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly). And it had a very strong message for me.

Scars aren’t always seen but every person has them.  Maybe they shouldn’t be hidden but shared instead.  Maybe they aren’t something “ugly” but a reminder of the journey.

Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message


Random stenciling with my Verbage stencil created a foundation of action, words that are all about taking charge of your world, your life, your future.  The edges have a touch of Distress stain.


Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message


Using up leftover paints to add some paint here and there.  Absolutely no plan here and it shows in how randomly paints are placed.



Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message

Decided to add a woman to the page.  That’s when  then came the Oops.

The stencil stuck to the damp paint and created a tear in her forehead when I lifted it up.  Is she disfigured? Not in any way!  She was sharing the message she had for me.

Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message


I muted down the paints in the background bit with some white paint while I listened for her message.  Once I had that message, I knew what word to stencil with the Vintage Typewriter Alphabet.



Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message

She has a scar. Front and center on her forehead.  And she is proud of that scar. That is a scar she earned standing up for what she believed in, for what was right.  It wasn’t easy but it is a reminder of her strength.  A reminder of the battle she won.


Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG message

As her story and message became clear in my mind, I scribble journaled out my thoughts with a fine liner filled with paint.


By the time I finished this art journal page, I had a new respect for scars- both in myself and in others.  Once again, my life is fuller and gentler because of art.

Step by step art journaling a stenciled face with a big Oops with a BIG messageSupplies Used

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  • Love this post, Carolyn! Love this art!

  • I love her scar! We all have them!! Such a wonderful background too!

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    A very moving and powerful piece.

  • She’s beautiful.. scars and all. We all have them somewhere, somehow.. we must embrace.

  • Corrine ,

    So true my friend. Scars find us all. Marvelous intuitive oops! xox

  • I really love the heart and thoughts you put into this journal piece, Carolyn … it’s insightful wisdom at its finest. Proud of you! (((hugs)))

  • Anna Hamersley ,

    Totally and utterly AWESOME!

  • Mary W ,

    Art is not a pretty face – it is first an expression. Pretty faces are for playing which is wonderful in its own right, but art – that has a higher value since the viewer gets something for their brain to play with. You have made art with this piece! Your muse is always having conversations that you listen to – that is your magic.

  • What a fabulous page – love how the scar was placed by the muse!

  • A Wonderful page, Carolyn!!

  • Terri D. ,

    All I can say is this is so powerful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Raine ,

    What a great journal page…and a wonderful lesson. I have some scars on me that, when asked about them, I call them my battle scars. We all fight our own battles. Sometimes the scars show, sometimes they don’t.

  • Vicky ,

    love the subtle layers and of course your message, great how your art speaks to you.

  • Cathy, your charming soul had me smiling and thinking all at once. What a gorgeous thought behind this stunning page. Love that your “mistakes” are never thought to be ugly, but rather a part of the overall process. And I’m TOTALLY stealing the OOPS acronym. I’m definitely clicking the follow button over here. I would love to have you pop by, too! http://www.damselofdistressedcards.blogspot.com

  • Such a powerful message and a beautiful page. Yes, we all have scars, and they are important reminders and also badges of courage. Here’s to living a “fuller and gentler life” (Love that phrase).