O.O.P.S. was a word said more than once on this art journal page and near the end, that word was coming fast and furious. O.O.P.S. isn’t a mistake, quite the opposite, since it means an Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly. In the video, you’ll see how I get myself into a quandary with the very first step and how that turns [...]
Dance of this Life

A great big thank you to Maria McGuire for sharing her doodle and pen play for this blog post! She’s created art showing several ways you can use pens and stencils together. In the mandala above working with a stencil mask, Maria drew circles in graduating circumferences. Then she positioned the stencil mask of the [...]
My feelings were messy. Not emotionally messy, just scribbly and playfully messy. I never know where the play will take me and for this page I even ended up adding a ton of white space! Why am I journaling feelings today? I’m the guest artist at Tiare Smith’s Journal About Me (JAM) year long free event. The [...]
What inspires me to make a stencil? It can be anything. In fact, I never know what will spark the muse until it happens. What sparked my latest designs at StencilGirl Products? Dancers! After watching a classical ballet performance, I was struck by all the effort, the hard work, and the commitment that goes in to being a [...]