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Stickers and Shimmer on a Gelli Plate!

Video with the Gelli Plate and stickers for this month's Colorful Gelli Print Party!


Join me for a Colorful Gelli Print Party!

Did you know you can put stickers on a Gelli Plate?  For this month’s Colorful Gelli Print Party it’s all about stickers, shimmering paints, and circles!



I don’t waste a drop of paint- especially this incredible paint (can you tell I am in love?).  In the video, you’ll see how I add some layers to an art journal page as I’m playing too.

Playing with Stickers on the Gelli Plate

Watch Stickers on a Gelli Plate on YouTube.

Here’s the Colorful Gelli Print Party where I create and play with the glue topped lids I mention in the video.


Amazing Pebeo shimmering paints

Here are the Pebeo colors I used, available on Amazon, but they are cheaper here.   I used colors 353, 356, 357, and 359 in the video.  A big thanks to Maria McGuire who introduced me to these amazing tubes of vibrant  iridescent goodness!

Video with the Gelli Plate and stickers for this month's Colorful Gelli Print Party!


Grabbing random bits of the pattern creates a great place to start doodling.  Can you guess what I did with these…well, no need to guess because I’ve shared them over in the Colorful Playground community on Google+.  Check out my Gelli print play as well as the prints shared by other creatives!


Video with the Gelli Plate and stickers for this month's Colorful Gelli Print Party!




Love the contrast of the shimmering paints against the matte of the cardstock.




If you’re new to the Gelli Plate and want to confidently make Gelli Prints check out my latest workshop, One Pull Wonders!

Gelli Play One Pull Wonders Workshop with Carolyn Dube





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  • Michele (Princess Buttercup) ,

    Great idea, Carolyn! I love Pebeos…I bought three, and hopefully will be able to pick up a couple more today. I’m all about the shimmer, baby!…oooh…good art journal tag!!

  • I can’t believe you are using these paints. A friend of mine just send me an email about them. Anywoosiewhatsie… these are fantastic. I love these colors and the shimmer.. is wow.

  • Sandra ,

    What fun, Carolyn! I’ve also been cleaning out stuff from former workplaces and just found some labels that will work on the plate. I somehow missed the fact that you were a teacher. That explains why your videos are so effective. The poet Horace said that true poets must teach and delight. You are a poet of the gelli plate!

  • Fabulous ideas as always

  • Gorgeous prints, Carolyn!!
    Thank you (and Maria!) for the paint suggestion!! These look like they need to be in my Blick cart! 🙂

  • These are simply fabulous! Must. Try. That. Paint. 🙂

  • Those paints look so exciting – can hardly wait to get some. And who would’ve thought to use stickers on a Gelli plate? Only you, Carolyn!

  • Liz ,

    Ooo, fun! I love metallic paint!

  • ginger ,

    Those paints are great!
    I’ve kept 3 X 5 blank cards beside whatever I’m working on & use them for “pulling” overspills, etc of working really wet. Then, when you have a ton of them, you can glue them on to cards to send to those you’re sending a smile.
    For those of us who already have lots of paints & mediums on hand, I’m going to try adding some iridescent tinting medium, Liquitex. If I need more shimmer, I’ll pull out the mica powder.

    Thx for showing using stickers w/gelli plate printing! Excellent results & I really enjoyed your gluing your “painted” stickers in your journal! (thinking as I type, how about gluing those on your pulled print just off of the negative spaces to get slivers of white???

    Sorry, see what you started!

    Thank you so very much Carol! You’re a true inspiration!

    Happy creating,

  • Sparkie ,

    I really enjoy all the tips, tricks and information you give in such short videos. Thank you ?