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Introducing Play Dates & Making a Holographic Background

Play Dates with Carolyn Dube Come and have fun while exploring different supplies!  I love the conversations that happen when I am arting with friends. Ā Hearing why we each enjoy the supplies we do always sparks my creativity. Ā I find it amazing that even if we are all talking about the very same supply, we have totally different reasons why we love it.

chevronarrow-green100Play Dates are my way of starting that conversation about supplies. Ā There aren’t any right or wrong answers – it’s about sharing the creative journey with each other. Ā If you’re new to a supply this is a great way to learn more about and if you’re a master of that supply you might see it in a new and different way!

chevronarrow-green100So how can you join the conversation? Ā Leave a comment here telling us all what you enjoy about spray inks or what your favorite is or tip or trick! Ā Click on over toĀ Ā A Colorful Playground over on Google+ and share your spray ink creations. It can be something new or a favorite spray ink project from whenever! Ā Join in however you are comfortable!


This edition of Play Dates is all about spray inks and why IĀ use the spray inks that IĀ do. Ā  I couldn’t get it all into one day, so it’s a week long Monday – Friday!

Watch A Holographic Background with Spray Inks on YouTube.

Video Play Dates Spray Ink edition with Lindy's Stamp Gang Starburts!I have myĀ go-to spray inks for different looks because of the way the inks behave. Ā Today, it’s my favorite shimmer spray, Starbursts from Lindy’s Stamp Gang.

Let’s get to the play! Ā In the video I show you what I love about Lindy’s Stamp Gang Starburst sprays and the “holographic” look I love to get with their spray ink as I create a background in my art journal!

Want to win some of Lindy’s Stamp Gang spray inks? Ā They’ve generously given a $25 gift certificate that I will be giving to one commenter on this blog post chosen by Random.org! Ā Want more chances? Ā Share this on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. and come back and tell me where you shared it for more chances to win! Ā Be entered by the end of the day on Oct. 2nd to win. I’ll announce the winner on my blog on Oct. 3rd.

Supplies Used:

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  • Shelly Jackson ,

    I don’t have much experience with the spray inks. I have seen others use them quite a bit. My concern is they reactivate after drying when you move to paints or other mediums. What is the secret?

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Some do and some don’t. Lindy’s don’t reactivate much for me.

  • I love this page. I have to say i dont own any Lindys. I know shocking right. They are next on my list to start purchasing!!

  • Ive share this to both my facebook and pinterest

  • Raine ,

    I haven’t tried any of Lindy’s shimmery spray inks yet. I just might have to get one or two and give them a whirl!

  • Denni ,

    I love Lindy’s Stamp Gang sprays! I get lost in the colors and that makes me so very happy! I know what you mean about cameras not doing them justice. Thanks for sharing!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Felt very lucky the light caught it pretty well on the video – was worried as I filmed it.

  • Wow, who could resist adding sparkle and glitter to their lives. Not me! So here is fingers crossed.

  • Gunvor ,

    I love spray inks (allthough I haven’t tried Lindy’s yet)! They are so versatile! They are good for backgrouds (with or without stencils) – you can make splatters or spray on top of a page and make it flow down – but also for inking your stamps (spray on a craft sheet and put your stamp into the colour and stamp), making patterns, etc etc.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      The drips and runs of spray inks make me so happy too!

  • Some of my favorite colors!
    And my new favorite stencil!! šŸ™‚
    Looks like a FUN week!!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      This would look so good with your Latitudes and Longitudes too!

  • Tara ,

    I love lindys sprays. So vibrant! I’d love some more……

  • Gloria Bryant ,

    Carolyn, I have shared on Facebook, Pinterest!! I hope to win!!! I love spray inks but have never used these, looking forward to trying them! !

  • I love using spray inks too, but I’m very much aware that they are not permanent, so I have to be careful what I put on top of them. Sometimes it works to my advantage though – the other day I used texture paste through a stencil on top of spray inks and the white paste randomly picked up the ink colour underneath. It ended up looking quite nice.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Each one does seem to behave a bit differently than the next when adding things on top!

  • Lynde ,

    Love that color! I’ve never used spray ink before. It looks like a lot of fun.

  • Terresa (Trish)Wood ,

    Love this holographic look! Am definitely going to try it. Love Lyndy’s because of the shimmer too and they just make wonderful backgrounds and do not reactivate as much when adding more medium like other sprays do.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      So true about the reactivating!

  • ANg ,

    I only have a few twinkling cuz the nozzle is clogged I paint with then using a paint brush. Woukd love to try Lindys. Shared on facebook.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      That’s great thing to do with them when spray inks clog!

  • Ria ,

    That shimmer is to die for <3 love to try that holographic way of making a background. thanks for sharing šŸ™‚

  • Love the colors you used ..tfs

  • Toula Makris ,

    I couldn’t help myself, so I own quite a few spray inks including Lindy’s Stamp Gang, Dylusions, Heidi swapp & the new Distress sprays šŸ™‚ Because of the different brand colouring, I love to use all of them for different projects. At the moment, I find myself playing with the salt technique where you sprinkle salt when the spray puddles are still wet, cover with glad wrap and let dry. This technique creates some amazing random patterns which I then love to outline and doodle.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Oh, that is such a great technique Toula! Thanks for sharing!

    • Cheryl ,

      Thanks for sharing. I’m going to have to try that soon.

  • April Lopez ,

    wonderful! Spray inks confuse me with how they are all so different. This helps so much. Thank you for sharing.

  • Love! I haven’t used spray inks in awhile. Would love to win some and get back at it! I shared on Pinterest!!

  • April Lopez ,

    I shared on FB!

  • Shawna ,

    LSG is my all time favorite supply and in fact, the first supply I ever used. I saw a video on Youtube and had to have them! This got me going on a crazy mixed media journey this last year, and I have to say, it’s been one of the best years I can remember. My favorite thing to do with LSG is to make custom shadowboxes honoring different people. I have been lucky enough to even get some paid projects!

    Also I shared this on facebook. Thanks! Shawna

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      It is wonderful when 1 thing starts you on a path! Love to see some of your shadowboxes!

  • Oooooooooooooh, pretty, pretty, pretty shimmer. Fingers crossed for this giveaway!

  • Heather P. ,

    I love Lindy’s! Probably my favorite out of all of the sprays for a number of reasons. First, I LOVE the shimmer…it’s amazing. I also love how they are shipped dry and their nozzles don’t clog like other brands. And b/c they’re shipped dry, you can take a little powder out before you add water and experiment with mixing some of your own custom colors.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Very true- that allows you such flexibility!

  • Prep your page! I did a Documented Life Challenge this weekend, didnt get the look I wanted. Everything wanted to soak into my paper. Fist time using spray inks. Used Delusions. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the intense color of ink.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      You are so right that gessoing or not gessoing a page changes how it looks!

  • Cindy B ,

    LOVE your YT videos and thank you for the chance! I am apparently spray challenged because it seems like the ones I use always clog or go EVERYWHERE but the paper!!

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Oh, there’s plenty of ink on my walls…lol!

    • Eileen ,

      wash it out in the tab or let it soak in a little warm, that helps. I also find if you are going to use them for a whole page or heavily on a page to may be give them a quick cleaning or a quick check to make they are working ok. I hope this helps.

  • Karen W ,

    I don’t have any of the Lindy’s sprays yet, but I am going to try this technique with my Heidi Swapp Mists. I can truthfully say I never thought about having a two color background and then using one of those colors with a stencil. Thank you so much for sharing and for the opportunity to win!

  • Suztats ,

    What a great shimmer that spray ink has! I’d love to win some to play with. I haven’t used sprays very much, (I only have 1 bottle of a Tim Holtz ) but I think they’d be lots of fun!
    Thanks for the information and the inspiration Carolyn! I love your vids.

  • Yes! Those sparkling spray inks are great! I don’t have any from Lindy’s but I have some fabric sprays with some beautiful glitter effects. Thank you for the video! Looks like a super fun and creative week.

  • Ruth Reaves ,

    haven’t used spray inks much, will have to have more play time with them.

  • Eileen ,

    I love shimmer and the shine but what I really love to do is add their flat color sprays either in the same tone for a very awesome tone on tone look or a different color. I do this because I love the shimmer and shine but sometimes I don’t want a lot of it. The only other thing that I do find is you have to be careful with the sprayers they do get clogged so wash and clean if your going to use on heavier or regular use.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Their flats are beautiful with the starburst Eileen!

  • I recently started seeing blog articles about Lindy’s and am so glad you did this video!

  • Tasha F ,

    What a cool background! Simple but effective…love!

  • I posted on FB!

  • Laura B. ,

    I have never used these sprays but they look great. Thanks for sharing.

  • Cindy Matthews ,

    I must admit, I’m too cheap to buy spray inks. I’ve made my own, including the shimmer inks, by using ink refillers and mica powder, with a bit of glycerin as a blending agent. I’m happy with how they work, and use them often.

    Love you videos, Carolyn! Thanks for sharing what you do!


  • Shari Czerwinski ,

    I am new to all the inks and mixed media techniques, but have been eager to learn. My favorite way to use spray inks so far, has been to decorate envelopes by misting over different stencils or leaves to make a simple mail art piece.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      And you’ve made some people very happy with those envelopes I bet Shari! Welcome to the mixed media world of fun!

  • mary warren ,

    I love LSG sprays, especially the moonshines..really don’t see how anyone can NOT love them! In many situations they are permanent too. Love the way you feel so free to experiment and play Carolyn. Keep sharing your journey!

  • Kathryn ,

    Thanks for this video Carolyn! I was wondering what these sprays were like. I love the shimmer, and I love how you share your playing with us. I also like how neat and tidy your shelves always seem. I am envious. šŸ™‚

  • LSG Sprays are my most favorite of all. It is that shimmer that gets me every time !!! Besides spraying them everywhere , I like to paint with them. Just spray some of that wonder onto a craft mat, and I’m good to go!!! Glad you videoed this so you could show off that shimmer and color variant, stills just can’t capture all that brilliance. Love your hologram !!!

  • Vicki ,

    Great video, is the paper you used glossy? Watercolor? or card stock.
    I’m going to get these inks, they are wonderful.

  • Karin ,

    I’ve been wanting to try spray paints for months now – haven’t found them at my only local source, Michaels. So excited to try them!

  • I’ve never been much of a shimmer and sparkle girl but I think you’ve converted me, Carolyn. These look great and will be a nice addition to my Dylusions.

  • LOVE shimmer! Your Playdates is a super idea. I love to enable..er..network about supplies! Fondly, Tami

  • Peg Robinson ,

    I only have a few Lindy’s spray inks. I do love the shimmer in iridescence of these sprays. It’s a quick and easy way to apply color. I love layering and getting that textural effect in the backgrounds. Thanks for sharing.

  • Silvia gonzalez ,

    this is sooo beatiful! I m gonna try it. Thanks for sharing !

  • Janet ,

    I don’t think I have the Lindy’s brand of spritzer. I do like the shimmer of it. My issue with sprays and spritzers is that they get clogged up and the sprayers don’t work. Is Lindy’s a BETTER product that way? Curious…..

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I’ve found that every single spray ink clogs at some point. Some frequently clog tons – I have one coming up later in the week on a video that clogs like no tomorrow. That said, LSG have been about the same as Dylusions for me on the clogging front – so very good but none of them are perfect Janet. Hope that helps!

  • Patti ,

    Going in for hip surgery today, but looking forward to using my immobile down time to journal and do mixed media. Love the sprays & have just a few…but lots of stencils waiting for the juiciness of Lindy’s…got my fingers crossed. Luv U!

  • Susann T ,

    Never tried these but I have and am currently using some spray ink. It is such fun to use and I would absolutely love to win these to give them a try.

  • Brenda ,

    Love Miss C and all her vids!

  • Virginia Loy ,

    thank you for showing us a great way to use the spray inks – I have purchased some but was at a loss for how to get started. My brain just wouldn’t move – but seeing the video gave me a push and opened more ideas! thanks~

  • Ann Cumbie ,

    Love this look. I’ve never heard of these inks before.

  • I don’t have any of this brand. I don’t use a lot of sprays to be honest…but I really like the look they give in other projects I’ve seen!

  • I shared on Pinterest as well! Thanks for the giveaway Carolyn & Lindy’s Stamp Gang!

  • Mary in IL ,

    I would love to play with some of these inks. Their shimmer reminds me a bit of twinkling H2Os

  • Melissa Schroeder ,

    I’ve never tried these but they look cool!!!

  • Melissa Schroeder ,

    I shared it on Facebook here:

  • Melissa Schroeder ,

    I shared it on Pinterest here:

  • Melissa Schroeder ,

    I shared it on twitter here:

  • Cathy B ,

    I am so totally intimidated by ink sprays. I have several, non of Lindy’s but now on my wish list. I even have some empty bottles to make my own but don’t have the nerve to try them. HELP! ……Love how you just spray and go with wonderful results. Someday…..hopefully. :0)

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I’ve got 4 more days of videos and I think you’ll really enjoy Thursdays – I show how I get to “know” a spray ink Cathy B!

  • Denise Spillane ,

    Hi, this is so fun. To be honest I haven’t used spray inks a lot bit I do like them. I have a couple I made, a few dylusions and some glimmermist. I used to love glimmer mist to add sparkle and shimmer in a low key way. The ones I made are for spatters and drips and stencils. The dylusions I use in a couple of ways. I love how thew seep through gear and mediums. I think I saw a demo in a SG hop.

    I lobe your words stencils. I can see I need them. I have your other releases. So soon. Oh and gifting is another ting I like to do with stencils!

  • Lori Wachtel ,

    I love lindys sprays. I want to win

  • Edie ,

    I have recently been introed to LSG products and have found I like thm more than another brand of spray inks I have that stink, so I am getting rid of them and investing in LSG color shots – those I can spray or paint with at will. Thanks for showing me thos process!

  • Jeannie B ,

    I have never seen this brand of spray inks before. I love the shimmer and will have to give them a try!

  • I love shimmer, and you used a couple of my favorite colors!!
    I need that stencil, too…like yesterday!! šŸ™‚

  • Carole RB ,

    I love your page and those two colors

  • Dawn ,

    I love the page you did. I am new to spray inks, and I have a zero budget for my crafting. I have recently found some videos on diy spray inks and have been playing. The hardest part is finding good cheap spray bottles to use

  • Cheryl ,

    I only Lindy’s sprays I have are Moon Shadow sprays and a few Fabio Flat sprays. They are very different and very interesting. The Moon Shadow sprays are walnut ink based with mica added and I’ve only used them a few times. They are a bit subdued. The Fabios are a new purchase and I’ve yet to really get the chance to play with them. I got them as an alternative to the Dylusions sprays that reactivate so much even after they dry. Sometimes that property isn’t such a good one. Now that I’ve seen the Sunbursts in action, they are on my list of must haves. They look like a lot of fun, offering many creative options. Can’t wait to try them.

  • Nancy Sapp ,

    Oh, Carolyn – you have such AWESOME ideas! I never thought about spraying “double” like that with shimmery mists & sprays – to make the holographic-look. Oct 2nd is my birthday & I’m not buying myself anything for my birthday. Sure would LOVE to win that gift certificate.

  • Cheryl ,
  • Rebecca Tilinski ,

    Looks like Lindy’s Stamp Gang sprays are going on my list! I could see a bit of the shimmer, but you made it sound fabulous. A fun video, as always.

  • This looks like fun! I think I have the illusions spray but I’m not sure if it’s ink or paint. Anyway I like to use my spray in bright green and shimmering purple with stencils and as a fun background.

  • Darlene ,

    spry just like you did on the page, but instead I do it on a single page not a journal. When it’s dry I die cut into all kind of things.

  • Pamikins Pam Robinson ,

    Carolyn, these colors of Lindy’s Stamp Gang Sprays look so heavenly. Beautiful page with wonderful shimmer, Thank you for hosting this fabulous giveaway. Hugs, Pamikins

    • Pamikins - Pam Robinson ,

      Sorry, I forgot to say that I shared this on facebook and commented here. Hugs, and thanks again, Pamikins

  • Jane ,

    Daughter and I used these sprays for first time in July and fell in love with them. Now I have expanded my wish list and plan to buy a nice variety of colours as dollars permit. They also seem to dry permanent, so that is great!

  • Teresa R ,

    I don’t own any of the Lindy’s spray inks, but I love the way it shimmers. Will have to try it

  • Josie ,

    Word up

  • Stacy ,

    Love these sprays, I have yet to get any of them but hope to soon…. I shared this on my Facebook and also Pinterest… Looking forward to all of your Play dates….

  • Cynthia Smith ,

    I just wasn’t getting it with word stencils — how they could be used; but your demo has brought all kinds of ideas to light. And the Starburst sprays are fabulous! Thanks!

  • Cynthia Smith ,

    Shared on facebook and pinterest

  • I haven’t tried Lindy’s Sprays! Hope I am able to get my hands on some! Love your video as always!

  • Susan ,

    I love spray inks. They are so quick and versatile. Must remember to use more often. Rhanks for the great play date!!

  • Cheryl ,

    Your page is beautiful on camera and I’m sure it’s even more wonderful in person. This brand is new to me. I’m going to have to get some of it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Mary ,

    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful videos. I have never used Lindy’s products. Would love to win some.

  • renee logan ,

    fabulous technique. thanks for sharing your art and products.

  • Mandy Fariello ,

    I’ve never tried Lindy’s, but I love the amount of saturated color you can get from inks! thanks for the chance to win!

  • Lisa ,

    Nice technique! I don’t have that brand of spray inks but it might work with Micah powder mixed in some ink. I will go to my “lab” when I have time.

  • Marina ,

    The shimmer shows up beautifully. Beautiful background, Carolyn.

  • pjay ,

    Thanks for the video and for a chance to win.

  • ConnieND ,

    I’ve tried other brands of sprays but not Starbursts from Lindyā€™s Stamp Gang with the shimmer in it. Thanks for doing the video and all the other videos that you have made. I am enjoying watching and learning.

  • One spray I don’t have is lindys stamp gangs. Though they are on my art wish list.

  • Angela Watson ,

    Did someone say “shimmer?” Love me some spray inks!

  • great! love the subtlety…don’t have any of this either!

  • mary d ,

    love the colors, but will they bleed if other layers are added?

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      Yes they will continue to bleed.

  • Donna Fleischmann ,

    This is the first time I’ve ever seen Lindy’s Stamp Gang spray inks. I wasn’t familiar with them. They’re gorgeous. Thanks for the demo!

  • Judy Ludovise ,

    Love it!

  • Dawn Mlodoch ,

    honestly I have never played with spray inks, I try to look at them to buy, but I have no idea where to start so I go home empty handed. The blank page is mocking me Carolyn. Ha! I have some liquid acrylic inks and some chalk and pad inks but that’s it, I am stuck in the mud….or ink.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      That blank page is such a brat! Mocks me too…I say just smear something on it to show it who is boss Dawn!

  • I just shared this post on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/csgebhart?fref=nf. Not sure how to link directly to the post?

  • This really helps because I love sprays but don’t have a lot of money to spend on them and am not sure how the different brands actually work. šŸ™‚

  • Liza X ,

    You’ve inspired me to actually try the Lindy’s Starburst spray I bought several months ago! Love your Play Dates!

  • Chris ,

    I’ve just started using these and I love love love them

  • Dawn mlodoch ,

    Carolyn, I really don’t know where to start with spray inks, I have no idea what to buy to even get started. They facinate me but I can’t seem to get started,

  • Carol Ponsford ,

    Would love to try these. The shimmer did show in the video some but I bet they are ever better in person. Thanks for the chance to win the stencil!

  • Lynne Phelps ,

    I have been using Lindy’s for years but never tried Starburst! I think most of mine is Moon Glow!

  • Robin Flate-Strubbe ,

    Gorgeous — never tried Lindy’s sprays because they’re not readily available but i guess it’s time to head over to their website and order some !!!

  • Robin Flate-Strubbe ,

    Pinned to pinterest — thanks for another chance to win !!

  • pjay hansen ,

    I pinned!

  • Vicky ,

    Until now I ‘ve only tried Dylusions spray inks and the ones I made myself. But these look fab, need to put them on my wishlist.

  • Glenda L ,

    I’ve never tried Lindy’s but have seen other videos that show them. Would love to give them a try. Do they clog easily with the mica in the mix? Just this week, I ended up throwing away 3 bottles because I could not unclog the sprayer nozzle.

    • Carolyn Dube ,

      I haven’t had any real problems with them- I have had to soak a cap here and there but they are always unclogged and ready to go the next day. They clog for me about the same that Dylusions clog for me if that helps Glenda.

  • Great new series! Looking forward to seeing more playdate posts.

  • Barbara Poe ,

    I love the holographic effect. I hope that I win so I can try these. Its something I don’t have.

  • Lynne Rattray ,

    I’ve been afraid of sprays and just look at my few bottles… This video and Lindy’s unique and beautiful sprays would absolutely motivate me to jump right in!

  • Liz ,

    What a great background! I have spray inks, but I don’t use them very creatively. Thanks for the great idea!

  • Beautiful shimmers!! I’d love to try. Thanks.

  • Jeni ,

    Love spay inks! Bright, bold and colorful is the way to go for me.

  • Faith ,

    I haven’t tried this brand yet. Love Dylusions but also looking for more muted colors. I’ve had mixed results with Glimmer Mists.

  • Cara B. ,

    Ooooooh I love shimmer!!! What a fun video. Thank you for sharing! I think I need to go make something shimmer now!!

  • Laurie Hunt ,

    it is hard to see shimmer in photos but I have a good imagination! Love these two colors. I’ve never tried ,or if I have it was long ago,the Lindy’s products. I think I may have to in the near future.

  • TheresaMP ,

    So far so good. Like to see how everyone uses their supplies and which ones are their favorites. thanks as always for sharing.

  • I love shimmer sprays, but they invariably stop spraying, no matter how carefully I clean the spraying mechanism. I end up pouring small amounts into Ranger misters to use. Are Lindy shimmer sprays any different?

  • Susan Schultheis ,

    Lindy’s spray inks are so much fun! I like how they can blend and wow your project.

  • Lynn Wayne ,

    I love using spray paints. I’m not much of an artist but I enjoy being creative. Spray paints let me put color to paper even if I can’t paint. I’ve only used Dylusions sprays but I want to expand my repertoire.

  • Melody S. from KS ,

    I love the way those looked when they were dry. I will try to get a bottle to try them out! I am interested in some sprays, but only have a couple of the dylusions as I mentioned to you earlier. These are now on my wish list of need to try’s! Thanks as always for the wonderful opportunity Carolyn!

  • Jane Ellen Kimball ,

    Love the shimmer and the blotches. I’m so happy that you are doing this. I have sprays from Tim Holtz’s originals to Hero Arts Neons. Really looking forward to this series. Thanks Jane

  • Barbara Patrick ,

    I love Lindy’s too. I am sharing on pintrest. I am not as confident with sprays yet but I am playing with them and learning. Thanks for your advice and teaching.

  • Donna Northcott ,

    My two fav’s are LSG and Dylusions..I like to put my say darker Dylusions down then a paler Lindys blue spray on top and yes I change up color options , but the Dylusions is so rich and vibrant and then top off with LSG for shimmer I also love to addd it ontop of my wet texture paste after applied through a stencil…..Im new to this but I think I own more than most stores have instock …..Me Bad ! But I tell ya It sure is fun to explore… This is a good idea to share thanx..

  • Susan reiser ,

    Can’t wait until it all begins I have followed Carolyn ,Marieand a france since I started art journaling. I signed up for this so long ago I don’t even remember when. Yahoo! It’s starting now with garland baby in preschool and some time for me! Bring it on, the stencils,omg the new elephants ( maybe not part of this by Natalie but my order is in!)
    So looking forward to art with all these INCREDIBLE!SWEET and loving women!!

  • Yvonne ,


    I love Lindy’s sprays. It would be awesome to win.

  • Gini Cooper ,

    I just got some of these and haven’t even added water. Now I want to play. Thanks for all the inspiration and chance to win a stencil. I also like spraying around odd shapes and household objects, like fly swatters.

  • Carmen Lucero ,

    Carolyn, these sprays are the first ones I used and loved them. I bought them at a store that was going out of business; gave some to my daughter, and kept some. Now I want the new colors. They are really gloriously shimmery!


    Carolyn, since I’m so new to this venue, I’ve really gleaned a lot of useful information from your videos. You have a teaching style that is fun and inspiring. Thank you!!! Anita


    Carolyn, I love this technique of the sparkles giving a “holographic” illusion. I hope to one day be able to purchase this exciting product. Thanks again, Anita

  • Anna (omyn) ,

    I haven’t tried the lindy’s I think its going onto my need list lol.. (my poor beleaguered husband). Most of my favorite techniques with spray inks actually come from your “A Colourful Workshop” (https://acolorfuljourney.com/?p=5515) and I use them in conjunction with my Gelli printing šŸ™‚ People will need to go there to get the low down.. it was worth every penny and probably more. I loved every single print I made during that course.

  • Pamela Levingston ,

    love this technique.

  • Robin B. ,

    I love my Lindy’s Stamp Gang sprays. Thanks for the great demo. My biggest problem with these sprays is choosing which of their fabulous colors to try….thanks for a chance to win some more :-)!

  • Vicki Sheppard ,

    Thanks so much for introducing me to Lindy Stamp Gang spray inks! They are really fantastic and I love how easily they make a background.

  • Sis ,

    I am new at this…..would love to try the sprays

  • SusanJane ,

    I’ve looked and looked and looked at these but just couldn’t decide if they did what they said they did! _This_ demo has done it! These are so cool! I’m totally broke so winning would be awesome. Thanks!

  • Such a great idea for a series.

    I love Lindy’s for the shimmer and depth of color but I’m not brand loyal. Love all the ones I’ve tried. lol. The unpredictability of them makes so much fun to play with.
    The shimmer showed really well. Great job!

  • Robin ,

    Amazing results from just spraying ink on paper! I can hardly wait to try it!

  • I haven’t touched my Tattered Angels since I bought my first Lindy’s! Their products are wonderful.

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