Ever want a big statement piece of your art on your wall but a voice in your head says it’s too expensive or the pressure to decide what to make is overwhelming? That’s how I was feeling when I looked at the open space above my sofa until I found an easy answer.
A single canvas 80 inches by 40 inches was anywhere from $200 to $500. Not only is that expensive to me, it was a huge amount of pressure to not mess it up. But if I used a bunch of 8 x 10 sized canvases, I could cover that space for a fraction of the cost of one big canvas.
Using the smaller canvases also solved 2 other problems. First, what to do with all those poured canvases that were a blast to make. I used 40 of them to make this big statement piece of wall art.
How do you make poured paintings to hang on your wall? I’ve broken down the entire process step-by-step in Paint Pouring FUNdamentals so that you fully understand what’s really important to know to get the looks you want.
Several of the canvases were flip pours, and guess what, the order that you add the paint to the cup isn’t the most important thing. There are 2 other factors that are more important. You bet that’s all in Paint Pouring FUNdamentals for you.
The next problem it solved is the pressure. Using smaller canvases that were already poured meant I just had to arrange them around. That’s a lot less pressure than trying to decide what to make on a big one.
Once I knew what order they would go in, then it was time to attach the Command Adhesive picture hanging strips. Using these means no holes in the wall.
Since these are like using velcro, I can change my mind at any time and simply switch out a canvas or trade places. No commitment means no pressure!
Can you use fewer canvases? Absolutely! You can use as many or as few of them as you want. That’s part of what makes this so customizable! I am already thinking about adding another row on each end!
Absolute genius!! Not to mention gorgeous.
wow more great ideas and comfort in releasing creativity. Thank you for your journey and taking the time to share it with us
Such a great idea, thanks carolyn!
You rock!
Absolutely beautiful. I love the wall.
I love the way you think. It’s a great way to use your canvases.
Love this, thank you to a condo artist, my next project to work on for my empty walls
You’re really thinking out-of-the-box.
Looks beautiful but i dont the same colors like you do. I will have to shift my creativity to only use certain colors but how do you make them all so different?
You can totally customize with any colors you love Cynthia! Paint pouring has so many different looks. I break a bunch of techniques down the step by step lessons in Paint Pouring FUNdamentals workshop and by the end, you’ll know to make every one of the canvases on the wall- actually more! http://bit.ly/2wVwTEJ
Great idea… Thanks! Too bad mine are waaaay to random to put together.. Yours are so harmonious! (-:
Thank you for sharing…lovely idea…?
people that love to share their experiences deserve the great things the universe throws at them. thank you for sharing
Thanks for sharing.
I will try this in my kitchen!
My den has only two walls in which will allow artwork. And really only want artwork on one wall. In my white space that wall need a commanding piece. Now I know exactly what my plan is. Thank you, gracias, und danke.
What a fabulous idea! you are a genius i cant wait to try this and i know i wont stop looking at them once they are up. Many thanks for sharing.
These would be great for headboards for a child’s room or darker rich,colors for the master bedroom.
I have many of these in different sizes and now I know what to do with them.Absolute genius…thank you.
This is a great idea.
Liced your idea!
Lovely work!
What a wonderful idea. You soved a major problem I had. Thank You
At a low point in my creative journey. Thank you —I loved your idea —gives me an idea of what to do with my students in our art room.
Absolutely an Awesome Idea!
Been pouring about six months and would love to learn more about it.
Making the rainbow flow on a canvas is such joy Terri- I’ve got several YouTube videos and a workshop that goes deep and breaks it all down so you understand the principles – which apply to any pouring medium and paint. It’s at https://acolorfuljourney.com/paint-pouring-workshop/
I love doing paint pours, but I said you can only have so many, I was wrong. Great recycle project that’s truly one of a kind.
This is every different. I want to try
Lovely idea. Thanks
What a great idea
Would love to see an example of mass acrylic pours together. Someone upload to this please.
What a fabulous idea. I’ve been stressing about the exact same thing. A huge blank space above my couch. Not anymore. Thankyou
I love this! Very creative!!
ThNks loved you idea for the wall
What a brilliant idea! I’m thinking you could use a few different size canvases and arrange them in a design. Then you could have your designs…designed! Thank you so much for sharing, I’m on the job to do it myself now!
Absolutely brilliant! I have the same concern and now problem solved. Thank you.!
That was fun to watch Carolyn thanks so much for sharing and I love what you created. Keep up the good work…putting smiles on peoples faces…have a great day……
I just love this new hobbie. I do a lot of crafts. But this painting is awesome. I’m just getting started. But it is so much fun! Thank You
And maybe change the wall colour from yellow.
Nice! I get so many then I have friends and family want this one or another so I give them as gifts so now my efforts will go into accumulating a few for this project!
Love it
I would like to be notified of new videos.
thank you.
Loved the pouring paint pictures. I am going to give it a try here in UK and see how it goes. Thanks for all the info, I have already learnt a lot.
Great idea.
So Cool!!! Love all your small paint pouring pics placed together on wall.Great Job!!!❤️?
This is brilliant. Really love this idea. Just brilliant.
That is a beautiful idea!
I loved your idea. Finally tried it. I have different size (and color) canvases, but I’m doing it anyway. Was frustrated that all my pours just sat around and now they are up on the wall. THANKS!!
I did this with some my painting I loved the most, every one who see my wall love the arregment. thanks for the ideas.
Loved your wall of 8×10 paint pourings!
What a Great Wall of Art and a great inspiration!
Thanks for sharing.
Great idea!
Love this I have been trying to figure out what to do with all my paintings him going to do this!!! # wonderful
GREAT idea – looks great.
Liked your large combinatio
Fabulous, awesome, intelligent and can work for any of us! I am new and still floating in my mind but this way, any piece can work with another!!! Thanks for the idea!!!!!
I love love love. However, I love to learn how to make it. Can you teach me how to and the materials I need.
Thank you!
I LOVE the idea !!! Thank you for sharing and you have such aigret way about how you talk to your audience – a pleasure to listen to you.
I’ve been learning to pour on cases of tiles that were free, all various sizes and weight. What advice might you offer on hanging them? I can incorporate the sizes into the scheme but the weight of the tiles combined might bring down the wall….Maybe a floor trim? I started with tile so I could simply wash and reuse what I didn’t like. I’m confident now in using canvas and have only three so far.
What a great idea! So creative. I love this. Thank you for sharing.
genius!! Could also do this with multiple collage pieces on canvas, or even a mixture that blended well. My living room big wall unfortunately has a television mounted on it, but I am thinking about maybe above the bed… nothing on that wall!! And twenty years ago I painted a mural on my bathroom wall. Maybe I’m tired of it LOL and with the command strips you can change it out fast. Great idea. Thanks for sharing it!!
Love the wall hanging idea.
Wish your offer was a few days longer.
Best stuff always happens to come up between paydays.
Only 1 payday per month means missing out often
Brilliant idea thank you
Hi Carolyn- Your idea should be patented. Just brilliant. I am thinking of giving pour- painting a try, but was wondering what to do with the misfits. Your artwork looks beautiful behind the sofa. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely Fantabulous! Thanks so much for your time and input to the process 👏💕
WOW!!! What a terrific idea, I have only recently started pour painting but wonder what to do with all of my ‘experiments’ that I like, but perhaps no one else would. I am definitely going to give this a try!!! Thank you Carolyn:)
What a great idea! Thanks.
Great idea wondering what I was going to do with them.
I covered a wall in my dinning room. Used an old glass window. Did all the little glass squares. Worked all my canvases around it.
I’m a paint pour newbie at stage-1! Thanks for the motivation!!!!
Carolyn it’s a great idea to put up the canvasses on your wall, but does the adhesive on the velcro peel the paint off your wall if you don’t want them there any more. My husband would have a fit if I did this on a painted wall.
I have not had a problem with it pulling paint off the wall, I use command adhesives all the time. But be sure to read the directions for how to remove them without damaging your wall.
This looks like a country quilt
going to give this a try with my 8×10
What a great idea. Your paintings individually are amazing. Together, a masterpiece, like a lovely quilt. The colors flow through each in some form, making your large piece work just right. Love the bright yellow pop of color. Thanks for sharing.
Interested in art.More details.
When I celebrated my 90th birthday, I gave each guest a painting and still had enough to hold an art sale in the local senior’s hall.
What a good idea!
I stretch my own canvasses.. buy pine wood strips at lumber yard and metal brackets for larger pieces. Only other items needed is drill/screw driver. And a large enough area on floor to lay canvas and strips . Approximately. $20 for supplies plus gallon of gesso to prime. And sandpaper. For when it dries. A gallon of gesso about $20 with 20% off coupon. will last a long time. A regular screw driver and a nail to start screw holes works. But I use electric cordless. Easier than manual screw driver ..About $30 for one. Good to buy if you are planning more large pieces . Much cheaper than paying for already assembled probably made in China canvases
You inspire me! I live in a 5th wheel and I am going to do 4″x4″Or 6″‘s dependong on space! Thanks for the idea.
Elizabeth Fischer
So how do I get Paint Pouring FUNdamentals? Is it still offered? What is the cost? I really think that I could benefit from your lessons.
Thank You,
Lin Brown