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Using a Stencil to Make an Ornament

Video tutorial showing how to use a stencil, fabric, and a Gelli print to make an ornament by Carolyn Dube


This little  stenciled ornament should be called Oops.  Why?  Because there was one after the other while I was making this using Sue Pelletier’s Loose Dress stencil over at StencilGirl.  This was supposed to be a little purse/bag to give as a gift…then an Oops happened so that wasn’t possible…My carefully thought out plan went out the window pretty quickly…

Making an ornament out of a stencil, fabric and Gelli prints

You can watch Making an ornament out of a stencil, fabric and Gelli prints on YouTube here.

Want to see more of Sue’s stencils in action?  There are lots of great ideas in this hop!  And you know there’s a giveaway over on StencilGirl Talk.  Best part- every comment you leave on every blog in the hop is a chance to win.  One comment per blog please (but you probably guessed that).  The giveaway will end on Monday, December 16th at 11:59PM Central Time.

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  • Denise Spillane ,

    This is adorable. I just saw Judy’s too. Love it.

  • Gill ,

    What a great idea!

  • Yay! What an imaginative ornament…the kids would love it!

  • Erin ,

    Very precious! …. and so creative!

  • Oh Carolyn, I was literally laughing out loud (with you!!! not at you) as I watched your ‘oops’ moments in this video! I love your little bag idea…and think you should revisit that now that you know the pit falls…maybe try the old right sides together stitching idea and then turn it ;o) but the ornament is so adorable! Such a fun and original ornament!

  • Theresa H ,

    Hi Carolyn, I love your Oops style. I spend so much time planning a project & preparing for all the possible problems that at the end of planning I’m bored with the idea & don’t actually end up making anything 😉 The ornament turned out to be so adorable & I love the idea of turning the stencil into a bag. The best thing is you’ve already listed some of the potential problems = less prep 🙂

  • April Lopez ,

    Love this ornament. And I love these stencils.

  • Jane ,

    Love how your oops turned out.

  • This turned out just as it should have – a super whimsical ornament. I love it. Samy and I laughed out loud watching your video. It was wonderful.

  • I loved seeing this oopsie process, but you know.. I love how it came out. It’s perfect. I think putting this on a tree, they will see it all the time. Great idea.

  • I love it when your oop’s come together in new and surprising ways. xox

  • Jackie ,

    OOps! You did it again! heehee Great piece Carolyn! Looking forward to the purse too!

  • First, I love the ornament. Second, I loved hearing how it all came to be, complete with oooops and giggles!

  • Daryl ,

    That is just absolutely darling!

  • Christy Brink ,

    So cool. Love it!

  • Oh my goodness, I love this video. What a great idea for making ornaments and for continuing with a project despite a few Oops. Thanks for sharing.

  • Oh my gosh! You had me cracking up in this video, Carolyn!!
    Is the photo baby Carolyn? 🙂
    Really cute.

  • RaNae Ellett ,

    I really love the stencil girl stencils, the Loose woman is awesome, would love to get my hands on some of these stencils an spend a weekend in my studio

  • Not an oops, but an opportunity, right! And I love the direction this project took to lead you to a perfect family ornament! Well played, my friend!!

  • Jean ,

    Love the ornaments and the stencils!

  • Marsha ,

    Isn’t OOPS! how some of the greatest things turnout!?! Wonderful original idea, and a great save. Thanks for sharing with us!

  • You have done it again! Your projects put a smile on my face and I thank you for that! This will be a treasured ornament!!!

  • what amazing idea! fabulous!

  • Susie F ,

    So cute. Love the stencil.

  • Ruth L ,

    Oh Carolyn, it’s such a cute ornament!

  • Such determination!!! LOvE it and your sense of humor! xxoo

  • You’re so very creative!! What a fun and unique ornament!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Kate M ,

    The Queen of Oops strikes again – Loving your style.

  • All kinds of fun to be had with these stencils

  • Elizabeth Kaplan ,

    Another floportunity turned into a win! Glad I found the comments! Type was very small. 😉

  • Sandy ,

    Here’s to OOPS!! One of my favorite techniques is to take family pics and play with them like this:)

  • sue schultheis ,

    I just love your ornaments using Sue’s dress stencils. What a great idea. Sue’s stencils are just so much fun and would love to win a set. Thank you.

  • Helen Markee ,

    the dress stencil is sooo cute.

  • Mary ,

    I love how your oops turned into a darling ornament. You are so creative. Thanks for sharing.

  • NancyLee ,

    You are a hoot! Very sweet!

  • My grandchildren would love this!!

  • I love the ornament and the ooops that brought it to that. I hate when I get my add wet paint before I am done but I always think I will forget to do it if I don’t know.. I love your process. Fun video all the time.

  • Teresa Richardson ,

    What a great idea to take an oops and turn it into something pretty

  • Laura Strack ,

    Sometimes the oops moments have the most wonderful results. Your ornament is proof of this…it’s darling. Thanks for sharing, Carolyn!

  • Eileen ,

    Made my day. Love how you kept going even though you oops moments. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  • marylouh ,

    Clever idea to put the dress on the head. Looks cute nestled in among the ornaments. Great job.

  • LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE the way you used your OOPsortunity!!!…loving this hop!

  • Carmen Lucero ,

    Carolyn, you crack me up! Nothing like a little pre-planning – NOT!! It just goes to show that there are not mistakes, only opportunities!! Love the way the project came out!

    Carmen L

  • I so love this cute ornament. What a great idea!

  • Mª Jesús ,

    Un estupendo video para ver las posibilidades de hacer de las pplantillas!!!

  • Denise Smart ,

    I loved your video!