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Let’s Play and Upcycle an Old Picture Frame Mixed Media Style

Video sharing how to upcycle an old picture frame mixed media style

Let's Play, a link party where you can be inspired and be inspiring! For this week’s Let’s Play link party, I’m upcycling an old picture frame, mixed media style!  This frame had no glass in it…no photos…and the backs were missing.  Why was I keeping it?  No idea but it was either time to get rid of it or add some color to it!


Video sharing how to upcycle an old picture frame mixed media style

So how does this all help me play?  Starting with something that was headed to the trash takes all the pressure off.  What if I ruin it? Who cares, it was headed to the dump anyway!

It’s also handy to have an O.O.P.S. attitude because as soon as the orange hit the frame, I didn’t like it at all!  O.O.P.S. stands for Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly and when I have an O.O.P.S. attitude I see the opportunity instead of the “mistake”.  This Oops led me to adding patterns with stencils.

But it wasn’t my only Oops…and that is a good thing!

Video sharing how to upcycle an old picture frame mixed media style

There was one Oops that was my absolute, hands down, favorite. It led me to doing something that I probably never would have done but am so glad I did!  And it’s all in the video!

Upcycle an Old Picture Frame Mixed Media Style Tutorial

Watch Upcycle an Old Picture Frame Mixed Media Style Tutorial on YouTube.

Stencils used: Rectangular Patterns for Play, Doodle It Inchie, and Rows of Triangles.

Fineliner video tutorial mentioned in the video can be found at https://youtu.be/pDr1G2UIrXI

How do you play creatively? There is no "exactly" how to do it but there are guidelines to lead you- that is the focus of this year's Let's Play link party and giveaways!

This month’s giveaway is a $50 gift certificate to Dick Blick!  Link up what you’re creating (and you get a bonus entry into the giveaway for sharing your play) or leave a comment telling something that you liked about one of the photos shared. One comment per person.  Giveaway closes Sunday, Jan 31st at Midnight PST and will be announced the following Tuesday.

New to Let’s Play?  You can find out all about it, what you can share (and it is almost anything), why your play (yes YOURs!) helps others to play, plus other info here.

This post is just one of many Let’s Play link parties and each one has a video all about creative art play!  Click here for a list of them all and the most recent one will be at the top of the list so you can jump right in and share what you’ve been creating!

[inlinkz_linkup id=597547 mode=1]

This post is just one of many Let’s Play link parties and each one has a video all about creative art play!  Click here for a list of them all and the most recent one will be at the top of the list so you can jump right in and share what you’ve been creating!

Link up etiquette  

  • If you see something you like, leave a comment on their photo or blog post and show some love – let them know they inspired you! 
  • Share your recent play (any form of creativity is welcome) that hasn’t been linked up to a Let’s Play before ( limit 3 per week please)
  • Add a link back to to this post so that others can find it, be sparked, and join the fun!
  • New link party begins each Tuesday..sometimes even late Monday night… 
  • Enter the giveaway for the $50 gift certificate by linking up (and you get a bonus chance for sharing your fun) or by leaving a comment telling something you liked about one of the photos shared in the link party. One comment per person on this week’s blog post.  The winner will be announced on the first Tuesday of the following month. You can find all the details about Let’s Play here.

You can upload a photo or use a URL or Instagram.  Not sure how to find a URL or link up? Check out this page of Let’s Play FAQs.

Want to put the button your blog? Just copy all of the the code from under the button.

Let's Play!
{ 19 comments… add one }

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  • Great video! I just love the look of your used stencils with all the paint on them!

  • That’s a great way to alter a picture frame, Carolyn! Love all those colours and stencil marks on it. Would be good for kids photos or for framing your own artwork. Like your blouse – it’s very funky and playful! That’s not the one you wore the wrong way around the other day, is it?

  • More of all I love the freedom of your art!

  • Jewels ,

    How funny! I actually have one I am working on just like this to put my “Permission to Play” certificate in! Your giving me the nudge to finish it off!

  • Great idea.. so colorful. I would have recycled it, but I would have missed the opportunity to create something so fun.. That would have been an OOPS, I guess.

  • Michelle ,

    I love all the colors and stencils you used in this video can’t wait to see what is next. Thank you

  • Kathy Gledsdale ,

    Love it!

  • I see I have alot of play to catch up on. Love your brilliant colorful remake. xox

  • Vicky ,

    that picture frame looks way better now, I have a whole box filled with cheap Ikea wooden picture frames, cool project to do together with my son. thx for the inspiration.

  • Jane Cantral ,

    I loved what you did with the frame! Using something heading to the trash does give you permission to go with those OOPS moments.

  • Kris Anderson ,

    Just recently got a gelli plate and wondering where to start – it’s a little overwhelming with all the possibilities! I love the colors and look of Inky Doodle’s altered cards, and also think Craft Zone’s woven birthday card is really beautiful and fun!

  • Hi, thanks for getting me using some of this useful junk I have been collecting. Love #16 My Craft Zone’s lovely bright weavings. Hugz

  • You just make me smile!!! I have loved what you do for a long time! Always encouraging us to be gentle with ourselves and play!

  • Lauri ,

    Looks like lots O’ fun!!

  • Ellie Taesali ,

    You are absolutely fearless….thank you so much!! Love your attitude and videos.

  • I love the theme of “Let’s Play” for 2016. I have so many wonderful materials that I have never used, so I had decided that “paint-on-paper” would be my theme for this year. And SO happy to have that theme shared – I have “play” friends now!

  • Marilynne ,

    Love the challenge and visited the sites for each artist. Here’s a comment link I left for the artist…

  • Michele White ,

    Linky is broke =( ~ But thank goodness for Bloglovin!!
    I have just entered into a scared (freudian slip) sacred year of inner clearing… not sure how well I can let go and integrate the two focus’ Part of me thinks that they will build beautifully together =) SO here I am!! Ready to PLAY!

    “A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond”

    • Sounds like the Linky timed out due to internet connection issues…if you try it again later, I bet it will work for you.