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Let’s Play, a Weekly Link Party

Let's Play link party “Can I go over to Christi’s house?”  “Can Maria come over?” As a kid, I was always asking to go to a friends house or to have a friend or two come over. Now I am an adult and I still want to play!  So I am interrupting my grown up day for a little play!

How do we find time to play with people like us now that we’re adults with day to day responsibilities?  The internet! I am starting a new feature each week on the blog, called Let’s Play, so that we can all be inspired by each other.

Art Play!Now that means you and me!  I’ll share something and you share something.  Remember,  no matter where we are on our creative journey, it is inspiring to others so share the fun.

But what if you don’t have a blog?  You don’t have to have one!  You only need to have a photo of what you’re creating.  You can upload it directly to the link party.   If you’ve got a url to a photo you can link it up (like Flicker, G+, Instragam, Google+, etc) and we can all then leave you some comment love.   Need help understanding urls?  Click here for how to find URLS.

Here’s my play for this week and boy did I get stuck on the layer that should have been the easiest! I started with a page from a cardboard journal I made and then let friends in the Facebook group tell me what to do next. I randomly picked a comment after each layer, or I should say Random.org picked the comments.  I had no idea where it was going from one layer to the next- a great bit thank you to everyone for their suggestions!  It was so much fun I will be doing this again!

Art journaling when I have no idea where it is going

Watch Art journaling when I have no idea where it is going on YouTube.

Links mentioned in the video: Permission to Play free mixed media workshop and A Colorful Place to Play Facebook Group

Link up etiquette  

  • If you see something you like, leave a comment on their photo or blog post and show some love – let them know they inspired you! 
  • Share your recent play (any form of creativity is welcome) that hasn’t been linked up to a Let’s Play before
  • Add a link back to to this post so that others can find it, be sparked, and join the fun!
  • Opens each Tuesday at 6am EST

Want to put the button your blog?  Just copy and paste all of the code from under the image onto the sidebar of your blog.

Let's Play!

[inlinkz_linkup id=582861 mode=1]

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  • Thanks for thinking of a link party! It is always fun to see what others are doing. I’m so enjoying my Permission to Play journal.

  • Love the idea of your “link party,” Carolyn!

  • This is great! 🙂 Just what I needed today…Thanks

  • Thea McC ,

    Love the linky party – thanks for setting it up, and all this colorful inspiration!
    and oh how I wish I could do videos…

  • I’m trying to add the code to my sidebar, but it doesn’t seem to work. Does it work for other people?

    • I just checked it…and I can get it to go on my sidebar (just added it there). Is there a chance you have grabbed extra characters or do you need to do a hard refresh or is it because of caching that you can’t actually see your most recent one? Let me know if it still isn’t working for you Zsuzsa.

      • Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith ,

        The code you sent in the email is working fine! Thank you, Carolyn. I’m not sure why the first one didn’t work.

      • Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith ,

        I’ve just checked the two codes against each other and they’re exactly the same, so I have no idea why it didn’t work the first time around – I tried it half a dozen times as well! Anyway, it’s proudly displayed now!

  • Julie ,

    Can we share anything artsy we are doing (not just from your tutorials- which I love by the way)? I do lots of other stuff (like mail art) and this would be a good kick in the butt to start posting on my blog again…

  • Jenny ,

    Thank you Carolyn be lovely to see others work and share mine .

  • thank you for making it easy to share!

  • Mary G ,

    Great idea!

  • Becky Partan ,

    I can’t get it to work on my sidebar either. Could you send me the code by email, please?


  • Julie ,

    Darn I am also having problems with the button link 🙁 Can you send via email. Thanks…

  • Vicky ,

    Nice one,Carolyne. Always love a link up party, but what’s the difference with your google+ community?

    • This one is not platform specific and does not require an account…so it can be g+, instagram, tumblr, flickr, etc. and for those that don’t do those you can directly upload to the link party Vicky.