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Junk and the Gelli

A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube Join me for a Colorful Gelli Print Party!

A ping pong ball, a ruler, a bottle of bug spray, a wine glass, packaging from a set of oil pastels?  Yes.  Really.  The ping pong ball was a bit messy but I did like the result.  That is what I used with the Gelli Plate today (and a few other items).  I decided to find stuff from around the house to make some prints today.

Warning: This is rather addictive and leads to squeals of glee when boxes arrive with funky packaging which does alarm the children!

Household Junk and the Gelli Plate with Carolyn Dube

A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube




A Colorful Gelli Print Party at aColorfulJourney.com with Carolyn Dube






























So now it is your turn to share any of your Gelli creations from prints to finished projects!

  • Link up your Gelli Plate blog posts, flickr page, YouTube videos – it is all welcome!  New posts or recent posts are welcome!
  • Add a link back to the party so others can join us too!
  • Leave a comment on at least 2 other links from the party.  You know how wonderful kind comments encourage us creative types!
  • Participate as many times as you want- just be sure it relates to the Gelli Plate.  If you notice your link deleted it is because it didn’t have a thing to do with the Gelli plate and that is what we’re celebrating here!

{ 27 comments… add one }

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  • I really love that “shutter” one! What a cool texture!! And the use of the wine glass? Ingenious.

  • susan ,

    Great ideas. I got a gelli plate for Christmas……..can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing. fyi….the music is a little distracting. 🙂

  • Jami ,

    Cool ideas! Love them. I bought a Gelli plate back in August before I had even heard of it. Definitely is addicting!

  • Linda K ,

    what fabulously fun ideas and papers Carolyn!! Finally I was able to post pics , and if you click on my name it’ll take you to my blog but I couldn’t figure out how to add the correct pic.

  • Love that you are using up the excess ink onto future journal pages, Carolyn! I am an avid recycler and also love using throw-away stuff in my journals! I am finding the Gelli plate quite interesting! Thanks for sharing these videos!

  • Great post Carolyn. Thank you for being so inspiring!

  • Great patterns and color combinations. I really love the circles. Time to go to the cupboard and see what I can use!

  • You have been having some great, messy fun, and I have been scraping my mess off the floor – trod on a tube of paint! Valerie

  • Love your gelli plate journey so far Carolyn! I don’t have one (yet) but I’m so intrigued by the results.

  • WOW!!! Amazing!!!

  • Kudos for your creativity! Love the shutter one, especially.

  • Love using “junk” from around the house. Your colors are fantastic.

  • Barbara Albrecht ,

    Today’s video is so much fun to watch. Hmmmm…now I have to scour the house for “stuff” to use with my Gelli. Thanks for the great ideas….especially the “shutter”!

  • Ping pong balls actually look pretty cool although I bet they were super messy! But a whole lotta paint on your hands is normal right? Love all the patterns….xox

  • Oh man, Carolyn.. what fun. What was the “shutter’ texture you used? Love hearing your voice. Good thing I don’t live close by. Our kids would be orphans; never to find their moms again. Just bring us food and water in the studio.

    • Carolyn ,

      The shutter one was the plastic tray from a set of oil pastels. Our kids would be orphans but our Gelli plates would be full of paint!

  • I’ve really enjoyed your Gelli Print Party, especially today’s post. I will be looking around for some good texture-making items. I recently purchased the new big mama gelli plate. It is so much more fun than the little 6 x 6. Watching your videos has been added to my list for my next trip to the public library (dialup at home…bummer!) Thanks for providing some great inspiration.

  • inspired and inspiring use of junk! once I start gelatin printing I can’t stop (“just one more”). I finally ordered myself a gelli plate so that I don’t have to plan ahead and make gelatin and wait overnight for it to set. Soon I’ll be able to print whenever the spirit moves.

  • I like your video your so creative! These pages turned out great! I like the wine glass and the lines I guess you used a ruler? Now what do you do with them? Where do you get the gelli plate?

    • Carolyn ,

      So glad you liked the video! Yes it was a ruler- anything within reach is fair game for me. I use the prints like I would any patterned or printed paper- in a collage, in an art journal page, as a greeting card, on a tag, run it through my die cut machine (I have an old big shot), make bookmarks with it, etc. There is a link in the post that will take you to Dick Blick’s page with the Gelli Plates and I think they have them on sale right now too.

  • Robin C ,

    I love your videos and it was nice to hear your voice! I have been so inspired and have a stack of wonderful prints. Now what do I do with them? How have you been using them?

  • These look like so much fun to make. i love it!

  • Maria McGuire ,

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when you talk in the videos! You got some AMAZING prints from some really fun junk!

  • Hi Carolyn! Have you done a post or video on your set up? I’d love to see how you get organized to start printing. Thanks!

  • Felicia Borges ,

    Thanks for a great party and all of your enthusiasm, videos, etc. I am loving my gel plate!

    ;-> Felicia
    The Journal Junkie
    Blog: http://feliciathejournaljunkie.blogspot.com/

  • Karen ,

    Love, love, love this video, Carolyn (along with the dozens of others I’ve watched in the last few days!). Can you possibly list the numbers of the Amsterdam acrylics you have lined up? I did a screenshot and zoomed in but the numbers were too blurry. I just love how you combine colors!