Pattern making tools can come from anywhere. While doing some home remodeling, the electrical outlets headed for the trash caught my eye. The muse whispered in my ear that these would make great patterns for gel printing. My husband knows that look in my eye, so he knew to save every last one of them for [...]
There are a 1,ooo ways to use a gel plate and what do I do? One of the simplest, most basic techniques. Why would that be a good thing? Because it kept me from falling into the trap of overthinking. Over thinking takes all the fun out of the play and I could feel my mind heading towards being stuck in the [...]
IKEA is one of those places I should never be left unattended. I find all sorts of things that I never knew I needed until that moment. Like the big bin of cute little white mice. But they were a whopping $1 and adorable. BUT they were all white. I began to wonder if I could use a little fabric spray [...]
Is it good or bad to be impatient? Back before I had gray hair, I used to think it was a bad thing to be impatient. But my impatience about waiting for a background to dry led to an even better than what I had planned. In this video, I’m also sharing what I’m doing now [...]
Can you use tissue paper to make gel prints? Absolutely! It’s paper and paper works on a gel plate! There is one important thing that if you know it, even when you have a juicy wet gel plate it is easy to print away on tissue. In the video, you’ll see when it ripped for me, [...]
Let’s chase away the blank page and say goodbye to all the pressure that can accompany that blankness, by gel printing directly in the journal. Why do I love to start an art journal page this way? Is it because every drop of paint is used? Is it because there is zero pressure? Is it because [...]
New stencils at StencilGirl! I say stencils because this is one stencil that includes 9 ATC sized stencils plus 2 masks are included. It’s my ATC mixup stencil that I created in the format inspired by Mary Beth Shaw. She created the first ATC stencils and what a great idea she had! How can you use this stencil? Check out [...]
What’s the play for today? It’s all about wanting and waiting for that perfect idea. Perhaps you’ve been wishing waiting for that too. I was treasuring an art journal page and waiting for that “perfect” idea to appear out of thin air. After waiting quite a while, I realized play was the perfect idea! So I grabbed what was nearby [...]
What’s the play for today? It’s all about being stuck and what to do about it. I was in my head. One minute I loved a certain part of it, then the next, I didn’t like that same part. Overthinking big time. I was never going to get anywhere as long as I was thinking this [...]
What can you do if you don’t have the stamp you want? Carve one yourself. I’m sharing the process I use to make big bold stamps for gel printing and art journaling. You also get to see how I deal with a carving O.O.P.S., one of those Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly. At the end of the [...]