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Building Layers on a Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/AtUbO4dF0bA See how the layers built up bit by bit on these prints on a Gel Press plate. How it starts out with a very loose layer of yellow all the way to the words added at the end and you’ll also see how I handle it I when there’s a layer I don’t like! [...]

An Mini Interactive Mural thumbnail

https://youtu.be/wmlZfWAKch4 Interactive murals are those that have chalk (or markers or paint) nearby so that everyone and anyone can participate. My favorite are the big fill in the blank kinds. But that isn’t practical to create indoors, so I created mini ones. It will have the look of chalk, but there is zero chalk involved [...]

https://youtu.be/9aqGbRGGj0Q Packing materials make wonderful tools for gel printing! You might be wondering what came with this? Me too! I can’t remember what on earth it was but I couldn’t part with the stuff that was meant to be recycled or trashed. That happens often, since just about anything can become a pattern making tool [...]

How I Ruined My Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/F3bHsQqx8UM Yup, I ruined a plate. It’s taken me years to figure out how to do it, however I have now done it! But as I duplicated what happened for you in the video with a little experiment, the mystery deepened. What I expected to happen, didn’t. One plate was able to be saved. But [...]

Hot Glue Stamps on a Gel Plate thumbnail

https://youtu.be/qiwjQHWKnXY See how to make a very fancy, exclusive tool for your gel printing! Okay, it’s not fancy, it’s fun. It’s not exclusive, you use everyday items. It’s a hot glue stamp made on cardboard. There is one thing that makes them much more useful for gel printing- I’m sharing that in the video with [...]

Gel Printing a Playful T-Shirt thumbnail

https://youtu.be/p29IJVaimVw Cheap t-shirts can become something fun to wear! Just one gel plate, the Puzzle Piece by Gel Press, was used to cover the entire shirt with pattern. You might think it took planning to get the all the puzzle piece prints to connect into each other. Nope. Because of how the puzzle piece is [...]

Unplanned Choices in My Art Journal thumbnail

https://youtu.be/D5SVYq38I-Q A highly efficient stenciling technique was used to start this art journal page. That’s code for an easy (or one could even say lazy) way to do it. What is the this easy way? Using a Gel Press plate. Since I was very heavy handed with the paint on the Art Nouveau stencil, that [...]

Making Your Own Lined Journaling Paper thumbnail

https://youtu.be/vLOR2xbH_3g You can use household items to make tools for your Gel Press plate. Today, I’m using toothpicks to solve a problem. I love writing on colorful papers, but I need lines on there if I have any hope of keeping the writing close to straight. So a few toothpicks and cardboard but along with [...]

Tossed Confetti Art Journaling thumbnail

https://youtu.be/GQdbQYN_XBU Scooping up and tossing this pile of leftover bits from a gel print project entertained me for longer than I want to admit. And it inspired a bit of play in my art journal! I’m not a patient person, so check out how I got these all glued down the easy way. This could [...]

Fragile Art Journaling with Leftover Moving Stickers thumbnail

https://youtu.be/h7YwSZADBuo Things don’t always, or often, go as planned. This art journal page went from loved to not loved and back to loved in the end. Fitting for a heart! What inspired this play was the roll of leftover fragile stickers from our move. FYI, when a roll has a 1000 stickers on it, it’s [...]