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New Stencils! Random Thoughts Collection thumbnail

https://youtu.be/CfEbhFGfC4U Words are so versatile. That’s why they always seem to end up in whatever I’m creating. They can be a source of inspiration, a design element and add meaning. My latest word collection at StencilGirlProducts.com includes random phrases, sayings, sentences, and miscellaneous words. So I bet you can guess why this is called the [...]

Art Houses thumbnail

https://youtu.be/Hy0twONn2ng What’s the play for today? It’s Art Houses! This is how I’d love to paint an actual neighborhood, but there are practical issues, so I’ll have to stick with mixed media ones for now! In this video you’ll see how I cheat on creating a random or serendipitous look, why I am grateful to [...]

Use Your Gel Prints with Stencils thumbnail

https://youtu.be/fdZRFKwTHnc What can you do with all those gel prints you’ve made? That’s a question I get asked a lot and in this video I’m sharing how I use them with stencils. This technique works with any prints you have, from ones you love to ones you don’t! Adding the stenciling can really shift how [...]

One Layer Can Dramatically Change a Gel Print! thumbnail

https://youtu.be/Q6XwkcPg5GQ What can you do with gel prints from your stash that don’t feel finished but you’re not sure what to add next? Use a mask to add a layer! In this video, you’ll see how the prints change dramatically in just a single layer. Whether your print has a lot going on (like my [...]

Stencil-rific Layers Workshop thumbnail

https://youtu.be/S3yq5k0dEtQ What’s the secret to getting gel prints full of pattern with colors that pop? Magic? Random Luck? Nope, but it can feel like that when you don’t know the process. Anyone, including you, can make prints like these when you understand how stencils interact with paint and color on a gel plate. After all, [...]

An Mini Interactive Mural thumbnail

https://youtu.be/wmlZfWAKch4 Interactive murals are those that have chalk (or markers or paint) nearby so that everyone and anyone can participate. My favorite are the big fill in the blank kinds. But that isn’t practical to create indoors, so I created mini ones. It will have the look of chalk, but there is zero chalk involved [...]

Unplanned Choices in My Art Journal thumbnail

https://youtu.be/D5SVYq38I-Q A highly efficient stenciling technique was used to start this art journal page. That’s code for an easy (or one could even say lazy) way to do it. What is the this easy way? Using a Gel Press plate. Since I was very heavy handed with the paint on the Art Nouveau stencil, that [...]

This is where it started thumbnail

This is where the play began. A random hodge podge of a mess. But this isn’t where it ended! Here’s a peek at the art journal page in progress. See what the layers turned into over on my guest post at StencilGirl Talk!

Tossed Confetti Art Journaling thumbnail

https://youtu.be/GQdbQYN_XBU Scooping up and tossing this pile of leftover bits from a gel print project entertained me for longer than I want to admit. And it inspired a bit of play in my art journal! I’m not a patient person, so check out how I got these all glued down the easy way. This could [...]

Feelings & Emotions Stencil Collection thumbnail

https://youtu.be/bt2A_f6T6M4 Art is personal and what you create is full of emotions.  All emotions, not just the happy ones. The Feelings and Emotions collection at StencilGirl Products was inspired by the rollercoaster ride this year has been and my need to be able to get a wide range of emotions honored in my play. Embedding the words [...]