When I’m painting chipboard, ribbons, die cuts, really anything small, I like to use a journal page, or in this case, a piece of cloth. Then when I am finished with the intended project, I just use up any leftover paint from my palette to fill in any blank spots. A bit of white [...]
Junk Journals
You can see some of my finished journals in the last 2 posts. Start with a hardback book. Just a quick cut with an exacto knife and all the pages are out. I save the pages and use them to create new pages for the journals and other art. It’s like a giant stack of [...]
Part of the fun of this type of journal is having pages with different sizes, weights, and shapes. I cut a tag from notebook paper for this page. I stenciled on it with Tattered Angels Chalkboard ink. I wanted color, but it still needed to be light enough someone could easily write on it. A [...]
“Mom, would you make a journal for my trip to Mexico?” Gee, let me think, YES! It was a rush job to get her journal and ones for our other friends on the trip, but I got it done! I’ll put together a tutorial on the mechanics later in the week. The journals all begin [...]
Once I started these journals I’m excited to see junk mail – especially envelopes with 2 windows!