These old, dingy mini lampshades needed to be replaced or rescued. So I grabbed my Gel Press plate and rescued them! The first thing that had to go was the yellowing from age color. Adding two colors of blue with a gel plate quickly covered up that drab old color. To get the pattern [...]
Gelli Plate Have you seen the Impressable Gel Press plates? They’re a gel plate that has a pattern on it. It’s all made from the same gel as their gel plates so it’s got that magical squish! In the video above that I made for Gel Press, you’ll see three stages or ways to take the [...] Just about anything can become a pattern making tool on a gel plate! Even toilet paper! Now that it’s not as precious as it was earlier this year thanks to Covid, I’m ready to make prints with it! What I’m sharing here is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do [...] All around you are amazing patterns for you to use on your gel plate! In this video, I’m using three different found patterns and my favorite by far is the ping pong ball! When I’m using pattern tools on the gel plate, there are three key factors that I pay attention to. These factors [...] These prints were made with a fancy pattern making tool. Where did I get that tool? Where all the best pattern makers seem to come from – the trash! All around you are amazing pattern making goodies! When I’m playing with found patterns there are three big factors that I pay attention to because [...] A lot can happen in one single pull when gel printing. Texture, pattern, and color can all happen simultaneously! I’m dipping my brayer in paint as I do this, and you’ll see why this is helpful in the video plus you’ll see which actor I credit for sparking the design idea of these stencils. [...] I’m so excited to be able to share the play that’s been happening with the Overlapping Shapes collection! It’s my latest release over at StencilGirl Products! These stencils can work by themselves and they can work in pairs. In the video, you saw how the Overlapping Circles Filled fit right over the Overlapping Circles. [...] What happens when you fold a round gel plate over and over? A kaleidoscope gel print! There’s something so exciting when that gel plate flops back flat and the pattern is revealed! If you want to see how this technique was discovered, and need a laugh, check out the livestream recordings in my Facebook [...] What can you do when you want colorful fabric that’s uniquely yours? Print it on a gel plate! That’s how I made the colorful fabric that I turned into protective face masks. I never would have expected to be needing these- but if it helps keep us all safer, and this blasted virus to [...] The stir crazies are getting to me and I’m beginning to question my sanity. So I thought it would be wise to use my art supplies to administer some kind of test to evaluate where my mind’s at. What better test than the Rorschach test, rainbow style. Rorschach tests are those ink blot tests [...]